Stetmann in Direct Strike

Does Vorazun have any sort of counter for lings? I tried shadowguard, oracles, VR, DA, every unit i had, but with their energy, 1 ling takes multiple hits from a DT or SG before it goes down. DS feels so busted sometimes because the AI can be absolute garbage, eg my oracles flying past the pack of lings under them to target 1 by 1 the lings spawning from Gary, thus accomplishing very little. Even with stasis ward, the lings simply burn thru the energy and giggle as my Dts shadowstrike them and kill nothing.

Umm is this an arcade coop game? Cuz why is Vorazun DT killing Stetmann’s Lings?

Yes. its a 3v3 style tug of war. There is a commander option that lets you play as any commander (except zera :sleepy:), Its not really the best but my friends are smol bran and don’t play any other mode, so its a decent way to spend time with the bros spread out across the world.

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I’d probably just go with the Centurions if lings are your biggest problem. They’re cheaper than DTs and each one can kill up to a dozen zerglings before dying. Stalkers can also be good, but you would need to mass them like crazy to the point they are constantly teleporting back and getting their shields recharged. Maybe towards the mid-late game start adding in a bunch of Corsairs so you can have the entire enemy’s army trapped inside the storms.

Mass Stunlot/Oracle.

I did try oracle/stalker, and then mixed in some cents, and shadow guard, but to no avail.

I will try massing them instead, by the end i had a ton of dts, cents, stalkers, oracles, and corsairs, which politely cast web on the lings and then flew ahead to die to the hydras.
