StarWarCraft Idea

Hello! I’ve had this idea for a while and I’ve wrote about it multiple times on my blog but thought I’d rework it and get it in front of more eyeballs. Now, I don’t know ALL of the history of WarCraft so some things might make sense, some may not and this would be an RTS, obviously.

During the launch of Wings of Liberty and beyond there were a few portraits from the collector’s and/or deluxe editions with characters and units from other Blizzard games. The ones that really interested me were the WarCraft ones and that’s what started this whole train of thought and Heroes of the Storm fueled this train with StarCraft-esque skins for WC heroes. I would really enjoy it if Blizzard got weird, like Red Alert weird, and made a StarWarCraft. Take units from WC and shove them into SC.

Currently I have an idea for about five races. So, something happens to Azeroth and it’s essentially doomed. All the races are trying to figure out the best course of action and most of them decide that traveling through space is probably their best bet but they all have different thoughts on this. I see Tauren and Night Elves working together to form a “Kalimdor Preservation Alliance” or something. Both groups are have quite similar outlooks, they were the original druids of WoW so I see them working well together, bringing seeds and animals from Kalimdor/Azeroth with them and trying to find worlds where the seeds can take root. I imagine them being closer to a bio-Terran build, Tauren marines, maybe Tauren healer types and the NEs being more of the specialty units. The NE have their stealth ability so they could somehow learn to tap into it and make it work with their technology. Maybe give druids some armor and when they turn into bears or whatever they turn into armored bears, kind of like how Misha looks with Rexxar’s StarCraft skin in HotS. They continue their druid and shamanistic ways, even among the stars.

On the Lordaeron side of things there’s a split between the Humans and the Dwarves/Gnomes. The Dwarves/Gnomes have come to the conclusion that in order to survive anywhere in space the races should to go back to their roots. From what I remember the Titans made the D/G out of stone and then they eventually got the “curse of flesh.” Right? Is that right? So they propose to basically try to revert back to this but to do so in mechanical bodies. (I didn’t know how close I was when I wrote this a few years ago. I watched recently a video of someone doing the later zones of BfA because I never did them and he got to Mechagon or something and the hologram of the King basically said exactly this. I’m not one for coincidences but that was as close to one I think I’ll ever see.) The Humans think this as preposterous and an insult to everything that makes them “Human”, but their solution isn’t much better. An Old God has weaseled his way into the thoughts of some of these humans. Their more radical solution is to become one with the Old God, I’m just going to call him C’thun because he’s the only one I know but I also think he’s dead? Like really dead? But I don’t know, anyway. The Humans try to convince the council that C’thun can save them and shield them from the harms of space. C’thun just wants to be off of Azertoh before it’s destroyed. Both groups think the other is absolutely mad and leave to their own devices.

The Dwarf and Gnome group I see being more like mech-Terran. I like the idea of Gnomes not being little robot Gnomes piloting vehicles but they actually ARE the vehicle. Like you have a siege tank or something with a little Gnome head on the side of it. Stuff like that. For the Dwarfs themselves, I don’t know, they’d be more of the ground forces, marauder types. I didn’t say I was any good with making units, I’m just here for the background.

The Old God corrupted Humans I see being a mix of infested Terran, Zerg and Undead. Everything about them is just gross.

The Orcs decide that they’ll go through the portal connected to Draenor and live there. (I now know this probably wouldn’t be the best idea.) They offer this idea to the other races but most decide to find their own way but the Trolls go with them. Once they get on the other side they’re going to destroy the portal connecting the two worlds so whatever devastation happens on Azeroth doesn’t pour through the portal to Draenor. When they do that though the portal on Azeroth’s side connects back to Outland. The chaos/fel Orcs of the Laughing Skull, Bone Chewer and Bleeding Hollow clans come through and start ravaging the lands. They some how steal and by dumb luck figure out how to fly the other races space crafts or stow away on them as they leave the planet only to slaughter all on board and take the craft as their own. I see them being similar to the Ravagers from Firefly. Over the course of time they’re ships and buildings just look like other races vessels smashed together. Stuff that doesn’t look like it should even function.

The last group is an alliance between the Draenei and the Blood Elves, well maybe they’re not Blood Elves anymore, High Elves, all Elves that aren’t Night (or Nightborne). They would basically be the Protoss of this fictional game, Draenei are pretty much there as it is. Both groups have mecha/arcane golems so they could improve on that. I see the Draenei being the muscle, Zealot types (with hammers!), of the group and pilot vehicles while the Elves are more of the Templar/spell caster types.

That’s my pitch. Maybe some other races with expansions like the Lightbound or Zandalari. I think it’d be cool to see Zandalari buildings or even just Aztec temples that are actually spaceships. But just some weird Red Alert, 40k nonsense please.

theres already modded games like that in custom

I feel like this isn’t “warcraft” it’s “world of warcraft”. But even if I’m wrong on the alternative it should be, this is the wrong word for this lore.