StarJeweled - Jewels Toggle

Link (EU): battlenet:://starcraft/map/2/233624

I made this small* change of the original Blizzard StarJeweled.
In the lobby, it allow to toggle each jewel type (there are red, green, blue, purple, gold and black).
2 enabled or less end the game in tie (I was worried about an infinite loop so bad it would freeze/crash the game).
3 should allow you to get VENGEANCE :drop_of_blood:_ :drop_of_blood: against the Elite AI by cheesing it.
4 will allow you to train to keep your base undamaged, counter enemy attack types and accumulate energy, until you can train with 5, then finally go back to the official map.

* Can’t change much since a mod component is missing, so you can’t use the “test map” offline feature, nor can you move or copy some pieces of code since they would lose their link to the missing mod component in an unrepairable way.

edit: added link from EU server. I don’t know if US link would be the same…I hope so.