Starcraft 2's state of the game: DURRRR I KILL MOAR WORKER DEN U I WIN DURR"

How about a BO7 to test this hypothesis?

Not in sc2. Terran has mules, this only works for other 2 classes. YOu dont need one single SCV as terran and you can mine more minerals, float CC in the corner , ez

You are dumb, yes even pros miss liberator, or when bane drop was thing and lose all workers to random windows mine drop, because they didnā€™t pay attention for 1 second, it happens to everyone from time to time. Yes there is a big chance, you lose if lose like 15 workers at start. Games is currently who suicide units into mineral line without any control or skill, it is most dumb and retarded thing everā€¦


Widow mines are only really good against toss, and if you are toss and donā€™t have a couple stalkers in your base to defend the drop it shouldnā€™t really ever do any damage. Paying attention to your bases is expected in sc2.

Liberators cost 150/150 so they are pretty expensive. Killing them without taking more than 3-4 worker kills gives the defender an advantage.

Yeah diamond can hold it easily, yet for some reasons some gm and pros losing tons of probes to it all times, also it is coinflipp if you move out and he flies like oracle into your base, today times on half of these maps you canā€™t even reaper scout and if you build turrets you are behindā€¦

Yes and the reason pros donā€™t die from just that is because they counter harass and are good at the game. L2p.

No they do, like one hellion drop lost 15 probes, if you play vs someone like ty he wonā€™t let you get back into the game. You are just dumb id1iot, thatā€™s itā€¦ You have no idea what you are talking aboutā€¦ Anyone with brain knows game is stupid now, because it is only about who kill more workers and thatā€™s it basicallyā€¦

You had friends?..

Naw just youā€¦and ad hominem attacks are a sign of a weak mind, so it makes sense that you use them so constantly.

Lets not kid ourselves. None of us have friends.


The Adept is ā€œfriendsā€ with the infestors for reasons.


Which attacks ? Do you even play the game, couple dts kill workers and you autolose. I saw pro game in which terran was 3 bases against two and up like 50 supply and when he moved out protoss dts luckily arrived at the same time and he yet lost. Or people lose 30 probes to random bane drops. Since you donā€™t even watch the game, clearly you donā€™t have first clue what are you talking about id1iotā€¦

Big Purple Neural.

20 characters

We did it even in Broodwar. It is even more tedious than SC2 and we have to build a lot of defensive building for it.

Itā€™s over for p and z, just delete them from the game. TvT is the only matchup that matters.

I donā€™t get the responses.

His messsage was:

ā€œI kill all his workers, but I still loseā€

Just showing how imbalanced some macro cheese can be, I read these complaints often, and it seems to be an issue.

Because terran had a chance against mass AoE protoss and WinFestor BL comboā€¦ (not)

Yea sure thats why you get your harrass terran style, from some Tsā€¦ And static D is nowhere untouchable in LotV, AT ALL.

On a second note, that all complies action in the game, and action means more viewers. And Blizzard wants viewers.

Terran has to harrass since the release of the game to try to stay even with the other races. I often even watch and hear about circumstances where they successfully drop somewhere, and still lose dramatically.

PS: Oh and by the way, protoss / zerg have very deadly drops too, or very effective ones. Which can also mean not losing anything but gaining value.

Absolutely untrue. At todays stream Avilo managed to kill 75 enemy probes to 11:30 game time (protoss killed one scv) and also he managed to kill 85 units (protoss killed 31) and he still lost.


Replay Kills Statistics:

Loss proof:

And not like only avilo does have this problem. Otherwise I wouldnā€™t post it.

Donā€™t you have a phone? Hilarious.

Starcraft 2 has always been like this dude. Itā€™s focused on economy, what did your friends expect?