Starcraft 2 Discussion Discord Chat

This place is dead and deserves to die. Blizzard stopped developing our game, no reason to show them that we care about them or their game anymore.

If you would like to talk about Starcraft gameplay and lore on Discord, give a reply or click the link below.

Starcraft 2 for all its flaws is a good game but we’re trying to move the conversation about this great but dead franchise away from Blizzards forums.


To be fair, I’m all for moving on. I consider the SC2 era done after it became noticeably clear that nothing was going to come after NCO.

We talk about other games

Invitation’s invalid.

When discussing intricate narrative development, can we please use a system that actually lets you look back over what’s been posted previously?

Discord is not suitable for fanfiction, there isn’t any kind of search function to locate chapters and quickly reread previous discussion on a given story.

Seriously, 4chan does it better. Freaking 4chan.

@Shekan you can help here
