[Solved] How Do I Re-add the +8 Zealot Charge Damage?

Since the latest patch took away the +8 damage to the Zealot’s charge, how do I edit the effect (or add a new effect) to the charge so it once again deals 8 damage?

I think in the editor they have it now as a separate upgrade [instead of flat out removing it, which is nice]. in which case you want to remove the validator (checks if upgrade is complete) in the effect. if not, check if the upgrade replaces an effect with another effect.

I checked extensively. There doesn’t seem to be any tech upgrades that modify the zealot charge ability.

I am wondering if there is an old version of the effect laying around in the editor that if I could find it, I could switch the new effect out for the old one. Not sure though.

Or if I could somehow get access to a previous patch, I could copy the old effect.

Or find a similar effect, and try to emulate that.

[In Rafiki voice] look harder…

The upgrade is Sundering Impact.
Its listed as a validator under “Zealot - Charging Damage Secondary” Effect
that effect is the 8 damage under the effect “Zealot - Charge Apply Buff” effect which shows a lot more than just selecting the ability, which i find odd becuase selecting the ability usuialy shows everything that is related in terms of actors, effects, sounds, ect.

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I realized I wasn’t finding it because I needed to be using the “Void-Multi (Mod)” dependency.

I had a bit of difficulty trying to replicate the ability how it was, so I just duplicated Alarak’s Deadly Charge instead, and it’s working perfectly now.

The only thing left is I’m trying to find the model file for the Zealot’s blue trail when he charges. You wouldn’t happen to know what actor or events are used for the Zealot’s charge blue model trail, would you?

I checked the events of the Zealot’s actor, and I found the “Behavior. Charging On” -> “Model Sudden Motion Start” event, but it didn’t seem to effect the blue trail.

I also looked around for an actor or model that created the blue trail, but couldn’t seem to find either.

Thanks for all your help. Much appreciated.

Update: I found that the blue zealot charge animation is a spell. And there is an actor called “Charging Anim” to enact the spell.

In order for it to work for the new charge ability, I made an event in the unit’s actor itself.

Go to the unit’s actor -> Events + -> Create new event -> Behavior -> [The behavior of the ability]“Alarak- Deadly Charging Copy” -> Create -> Animation Play -> Name: Spell -> Animation Properties: Spell.

So I now have a completely fully functioning new charge ability that works the same as Zealot- charge with damage. Thanks for your help.

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