So many topics for SC3! This is what it is going to take!

I also made this topic couple of times in the past, as I am also very passionate abut the game!

However I believe we should commit to about 3 things if SC3 would be possible.

  1. A SC2 subscription:
    Most people don’t like this, but they want both SC2 support and SC3 in the future, well in that case they need a revenue even to think about it.

  2. A pre purchase of SC3 earlier when it is in development. For obvious reasons.

  3. And also probably a small donation for making SC3.

Now I am ready to do all 3, as I love both playing and watching tournaments, such a unique experience.

But how many people are ready to do this as well?

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No. They can make a profit without a pointlessly subscription based service. Games as a service needs to die as hard as possible, not be encouraged.

No. If we need to shill out money for a game before it even exists in order for it to exist, they can go run a kickstarter or something if Microsoft can only fork over millions of budget.

NO. We’re going to pay for the game when we buy it. Thats it. Thats how selling a product works. Thats how they get their money.


There you have it, no way for SC3.

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You can almost feel the hate from these replies, GJ.

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God forbid it be developed like every other game in existence.


God forbid companies will also make games they love from time to time, not focus only on their micro transaction based Cow cash grab games.

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Where on earth are you getting that they would not be doing that? Blizzard leadership has flat out said they would love to work on a new Starcraft game, its just a matter of getting together the right team and a plan for it.


Blizzard leadership left Blizzard long time ago, WTF are you talking about???

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I feel like you have a poor understanding of how companies work.


What it’s going to take is Xbox Gaming signing off on it. I doubt we’re at that point yet. Nor do I think there are any teams at Blizzard or the other studios there who could handle a big RTS project right now; At least not without some serious help from external developers.

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Yeah, they do not have the developers any more who worked on SC2 or BW or War3.

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I am sure you know and are very knowledgeable, just contact Blizzard leadership about sc3 and get us the info on how far they are at developing it?

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The problem is that they used to build games with passion. Over the years, it became decisions for maximizing profit, hence firing the good people and keeping non-profitable games at minimum. Here we are, with a potentially still great game, that’s about to get lost. That’s how I reason the fact that being unable to even take care a little bit of this game doesn’t give much hope for newer one, unless anohter company wants to take over the sc2 franchise.

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First off Microsoft owns ip

Microsoft was first company to drop rts age empire series. But found out that still had fan base so remade for Xbox. Now they making aoe mythology in sep. after that they might be looking into other areas so far everyone is moderate success.

I think team that made sc2 wasn’t that good because.

In wol people going one dimensional marines and was beating everyone. They claiming balance wasn’t issue.

Because of that have poor balance and balance is trying to get edge on serral

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Yeah, the people who developed the best RTS ever made where not good, dude you went to crazy town in a second.

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Absolutely agree, I also think that a lot of bad RTS clone games where made in the past, when RTS was much more popular. The whole RTS genre suffered and people left to play any other games besides RTS.

I think in the gaming industry you ever make something of quality or don’t make it at all.

It is not like the movies where the script is kinda crappy, but look at the special effects or the acting is pretty is good, and overall is acceptable.

If a game is trash, beautiful graphics won’t save the game.

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It’s not so much that I dislike this, as it is much more that I have no interest in a game that I can’t play without an internet connection; and having to pay money to play means I am also pressured to play in significant chunks to avoid wasting money. That feels awful for me and usually makes me burn out on playing the game entirely.

I may just sound old, but I simply do not want anything to have access to my payment information for automatic renewal; and having to purchase it some other way is always a pain and makes things a bit difficult.


Yes, I read what you wrote and I agree almost with everything with what you said.

However, what I was saying even before on another topic like this you should first get it as cheap as possible:

So 1.99 something like that, for monthly.

Or pay yearly for 17.99

Or one time payment for life,I don’t know. Let’s say 29.99

I mean there is a way.

And as I said I agree for most of what you said.

But I hate people on these forums how they cry: I want no cheaters, I want no smurfs, fix the mmr and placing in league system, I want customer support and reporting system etc etc.

Well thought luck, you have to pay for this.

Or if you have a better solution like skins, some new micro transactions, I am here on forums to listen if you have a solution or a good or somewhat good idea.

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I can not wait for SC3! Make it ours Blizz! We LLLOOOOVVVE You!

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