Smurfing is super duper silly

The only way you will get better is to play against better opponents.

Some people do not want to be a better player, simply want to play against people of their level and enjoy the game. With that elitist mentality that our community has, we must not forget that this is a game and its purpose is to be fun for everyone. The smurf gets what he wants at the expense of the experience of others players and shouldn’t be allowed.


That’s true, but clearly here it is not the case. OP is not playing with somebody one League or 200-300MMR up. He is playing with an opponent with 1000-2000MMR difference.
I assure you that were you to play Maru/Serral/Stats, you would even not understand what hit you.
You can learn from people of your level and a little better than you, but the greater the difference in skill, the less you learn.


Exactly, thanks for phrasing my toughts better then i did:).As said im Platinum 1 and playing against Diamond 3-2 is ok,even if i loose i can analzye and learn, and many times i win.

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Is anybody curious to see how fares a Diamond 2 Terran vs. a Protoss with 2000MMR more?

Only thing he understood was: you see 4+ Disruptors, run to your base for cover. He was not so lucky…

That’s only the upper part of the iceberg. Most of them do take the win, then freelose (leave a game in the first 10s) afterwards to remain at the same MMR.

There are quantities of reasons that could lead an immature mind to that kind of behavior :

  • Can’t stand frustration/defeat/ladder anxiety. They just don’t have the balls to play a fair game. And then, when they’ve been smurfing long enough, often start lacking the skill to.

  • Enjoying in trolling, preying on weaker than you. Yes that’s immature, yes that’s just like bullying colleagues at school. But there are individuals who do bully others at school, isn’t it ? Do you think all of them become mature all of a sudden ? Do you think being a gamer does makes them become mature if they aren’t ?

  • Can’t stand a specific MU. They do only freelose one MU, because they can’t stand the other race’s possibility in that MU or have a style that does applies particularly bad in that case. And so are only 100-200 MMR under their real skill. Most of them will admit it though. That’s more frequent than one would know

  • And finally, the only legit use of smurfing, which is avoiding being spied/copied by others. That’s what high level/progamers do. But there’s a major difference with the three first categories, it being that they DO NOT freelose. They conceal their identity and that’s all. They’re not trolls, nor immature, nor frustrated. Or at least, not as often as the others. XD

Define “good”.

You do not need to be good to smurf, a gold player could smurf in bronze with the same results. All you need to do is to lie on your true level.

Most freelosing smurfs aren’t even that good btw, they’re mostly diamond.
And by playing games with no challenge, they can’t really get better, as they can’t tell for true if their strategies are valid or if they just win by pure macro/timing/micro skill gap.

Real masters and GM do have better things to do than freelosing.


Absolutely. It could be punished easily would the devs have the will to do so, just by spotting people freelosing repeatidly.

That’s sadly not the case atm.

And those “gitgud” “l2p noob” smurfs which do talk so casually about it under the mask of a changing pseudo, do not really like when their little games are endangered. I once created a topic gathering their battlenets ID (not just their pseudos). They took it so well that a few days afterwards a moderator took it down because it degraded the wellbeing of use of the forum to some, lol.

+1 Even more considering this game is played with fog of war, which minimizes the part of the opponent’s play you’d could learn from him on the bat.

But let’s be honest, the “L2P” argument most freelosers do hide behind is just a pretext. They wouldn’t even be there, freelosing, if they were trying to get better at the game.


Some people don’t want a stressful game after work and would like to relax (might even have a beer while playing) and leave it to the MM to sort it out. What happens is when someone in the lower league is unable to beat you even while you’re missing cycles, periods of you not even looking at the screen and they see your highest ranking, you become the scapegoat even though you’ve technically handicaped yourself to their level.

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You obviously weren’t here when Blizzard tried to implement real ID. The outcry (and stalking of a Blizzard employee’s personal identification) is the reason it didn’t come to pass.

Alright. But what then will you answer to people who’re just wanting to play a normal game, to relax after work, when they find out they have to tryhard like hell just because they were matched against an opponent they shouldn’t ? “L2P, noob” ? XD

Anyway, doesn’t you wanting to relax at someone’s expense sounds somewhat selfish to you ?

Technically I’d say that the first minutes of a game are what make most of the difference between lower and higher leagues. So if you’re drinking a beer once you’ve got ten hatchs and enough back to remax twice a 3-3 army over a tiny terran who couldn’t even get his fourth, you could perfectly leave your screen one minute without changing the result of the game.

On a side note, of the ones I’ve met, most of the people who claimed they weren’t actively playing were actually losing and either lifting their buildings or hiding expands all over the map. ^^

Indeed, I heard about it but then it got cancelled without me having word of the reason behind it. Good to know. I supposed that would also hurt legit smurfing, which is progamers just concealing their identity (and not the freelosing ones we’ve got to deal with in intermediate leagues). Still, good to know, thx for the info.

The change allowing per race MMR combined with the free to play change have introduced an absurd number of lopsided matches. I’m not sure if we have a ton of smurfs playing now or what but matchmaking seems to be all over the place.

They don’t have to work “extra hard” as I am not working extra hard. If the state that I’m playing at loses to the point that we’re matched against each other, then they just have to play at the same rate as they always play for the same chance of winning/losing as they would’ve against another opponent.

The only expense is if a person loses and only after checking the profile do they feel cheated hence the scapegoat. If they had won, then it wouldn’t even have crossed their mind that my highest league is higher than theres.

Technically that applies to the griefer rather than someone in my position.
Simply put, if that first minute was enough for me to win, then I would have and wouldn’t have matched with said Terran but other Terrans who are capable of taking games off me.

→ Play ranked.
→ Play for fun.
Choose one.


APM really doesnt matter that much. I fought a M3 Zerg with 350+ apm as a D2 Terran on ladder (how that happened I do not know) and I won with 150 apm. People spam a lot and generally that is all it is. 150 good moves will beat 350 mediocre/bad moves anyday. I even watched one of my buddies in gold league fight and beat a gold league guy with 300 apm and how you have apm that high in gold league is beyond me. It’s just spamming and trying to look like a GSL hero.

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Let us clarify : if you do always play like in that relaxed motion, and that you do NOT freelose, then your MMR will be your relaxed one, and not cheatingly lowered. And that’s perfectly ok. You’re not to be considered as a smurf in that case.

True smurfs, who deliberately stay at a level lower than theirs, DO freelose. Having a higher league in your history isn’t enough to make a smurf out of you.

Now against those, believe me, the mechanics do have an extreme impact over that game. And so if you have master 1 mechanics, even if you’re drunk, sleepy, or under the effect of whatever devious substances, you’ll just break an opponent who never acquired those mechanics in the first place. Your reactions and decision making will be sloppy, you won’t be cost efficient, but if you have a deathball and an economy twice bigger, you’ll win easily regardless of how adapted will be his reactions, as he will have an army still way too small for any adaptation to matter.

True, though even in unranked you could me matched against opponents who are in ranked.

Still, if playing in a relaxed way is the objective, going for 2v2+, coop, campaign, offracing or even other games would feel infinitely more legit than smurfing on a lower league’s ladder. So there must be some deeper issue to make a freelosers out of someone.

Says the guy who was caught asking for hacks with the same username he has on this forum. You are pathetic SunRise.

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Rofl… Three times you have accused me of maphacking, statingthat there’s clear evidence. Twice I have asked you for the story (not even the evidence just the story) and twice you simply disappeared. Can’t even come up with a story?!

So I’m gonna ask you a third time, I’m curious to hear the story this so called claim.

Oh someone has the same name? That’s your proof?

www . rankedftw . com/search/?name=SunRise

You mean like these ones? There used to be a lot more but all inactive accounts. Did it happen to say SunRise from NA with a link to this account?! You obviously checked right.

Lol if you were to Google Starcraft 2 SunRise (with the U.S localiser), there’s 5 results of 5 different profiles of SunRise. Haven’t even checked EU or SEA.

If that’s your only evidence… it’s a bit lacking mate.

You are right I can’t prove it. But it is very suspicious to me. And then you defend smurfing and make it more so.

Lol, you’ve already had your mind made up as soon as you saw the name. Everything else is just conclusion to confirm your narrative.

How it should work: this is evidence, okay. Lets use the evidence to find the conclusion.

You: this is the result, okay. Now lets look for evidence to back form that result.

Smurfing sucks but on a list of priorities for improving the overall Starcraft experience, I’d put it pretty low. The majority of my games feel pretty even.