Single Player Custom Game Mods

Okay, so I’ll be honest:
I’m a pretty “vanilla” person, and when it comes to RTSs, I personally have always loved random single player skirmishes with a crapton of A.I.s more than custom gametypes and MP games.

Anyway, SC(BW) will always hold a special place in my heart, and lately I’ve been wanting to go back, but I’ve found that I’ve become WAY too accustomed to the playstyle and mechanics of SC2.
So I decided to try my hand at tinkering around in the editor for the first time in an attempt to create a “Brood War Units Only” mod, so that I can play skirmishes in SC2, but as if in SC1.

So far, I think I’ve worked out MOST of the details (save for some editor mechanics which I’m still trying to figure out/teach myself) but the BIGGEST problem I’ve run into - seeing as I’m mainly going to be using this mod for myself to play with AIs - is that I can’t seem to get the A.i. to accept/use the modifications to the available units that they can build.
So for example, a Terran AI will build a crapton of marines and some tanks and battlecruisers, but won’t build vultures, goliaths or wraiths and such.

Maybe this isn’t possible, but seeing as I’ve been scouring the internet for tips, tricks, and useful tools and tactics when using the editor and come up with next to nothing useful (mostly because everyone uses it for different things obv) I figured here would be my best shot at personally asking the community for advice.

So yeah, anyone have anyone ideas?

Also, if someone can walk me through how to properly add a research (ex: Wraith Cloaking) availability, that’d be awesome. lol
I’ve added the button, and it seems to work (sortof)properly, but I can research it multiple times. So I can cue up the research like 5 times in a row if I wanted :joy:
I’ve gotten a few others to work properly, but apparently I didn’t figure them out like I thought since I can’t properly rig up ALL of the BWUnit related techs.

Thanks to anyone that can help!!!

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