What games will you be playing next? Everyone who doesn’t play protoss is quitting the game so lets talk about what other games we are playing?? Ive switched back to fighting games thats how annoyed I am with this steaming pile of garbage.
Just imagine, one race gets consecutive buffs over 2 years, another finally gets nerfed after 2 years, and the last one that’s been getting consecutive nerfs over 2 years finally gets buffs and suddenly that race is the one that breaks the game for good. Get out of here with your nonsense and stick to your fighting games.
Actually it’s pretty alive. A lot of old streamers coming back to play. Kaitlyn and so on.
Along sc2 I’m playing some Stardew Valley, its nice and comfy,and recently I managed to get a working copy of Fallen Haven, a turn based game I played a lot 23 years ago.
Reasonable buffs are fine when needed. The buffs given to protoss were outrageous.
Explain why pro Terran / Zerg players are playing protoss on stream now?? I can help you out, its cause theyre sick and tired of losing to OP garbage strategies.
Do you also care to explain why the numbers for terran and zerg are dropping and protoss is going up? You think that this is just all an idea that everyone who plays the game got at the same time?
A couple of voidray buffs breaks the game? Seriously? This is just an echo chamber of whining. Shield battery overcharge is kind of ridiculous, I’ll give you that. Everything else is fine. The reason why T/Z numbers are going down is because biased whiners like you refuse to see the big picture and thing P is just collecting free wins because bRoKeN rAcE. God forbid Protoss has more than one strategy to play off against the other races.
RLcraft is a mod for minecraft designed to make the game as ludicrously difficult as possible. It takes loads of planning & strategic thinking just to not die constantly, not to mention actually progressing in the game.
Team play makes the game a trillion times easier but still ludicrously difficult.
I’d say beating this game without cheating is roughly as hard as getting GM in sc2. The vast majority of people end up cheating in some form, however. ForgeLabs disabled the temperature mod and CaptainSparkles/Zane would change the difficulty level when they died so they could retrieve their lost gear (both large youtubers). I obviously detest cheating and only point it out to show how ludicrously difficult the game is.
The difficulty of the game makes it have a heavy strategic element like SC2. It’s like how a slight misstep in SC2 will cause you to instantly lose all your marines to a couple banelings and loads of care has to be taken to prevent that scenario from ever occurring. RLcraft is a lot like that.
It’s also insanely rage-inducing like SC2 is.
Playing Runescape again. I reinstalled sc2 last night to play some games when I was wasted, and when I woke up, I uninstalled again.
Awful and unplayable game that can only be endured when you’re drunk lol.
So you continuously dodge every question I throw at you about the reality of the situation. Pro players switching to toss, protoss being free to define both matchups by doing any sort of build they want and coming out ahead. You have no explanation so you nit pick at statements.
Its so sad to see protoss players deny the state of the game because you still lose to people who are straight up better than you.
41.7% of grand master is Protoss according to RankedFTW, and it’s relatively the same ratio all the way down. It’s an auto move race but much weaker to begin the match with. You can beat them before 10 minutes, but when it takes 400 APM to beat 100, it’s hard to see a reason. As a Protoss you press storm, and right click specific units to secure a position. That’s simply just how it’s played, you don’t need to position tanks in specific spots, stim specific groups, drop at the same time, siege libs, use EMP. You press A and storm. That’s typical balance whine of course, but I do think there some logic behind that, but ultimately at lower leagues than GM your opponent should “always” be beatable, even though sometimes the requirements are unrealistic. That’s why we got leagues. You can’t win every game and that’s what I think a lot of people have issues with.
Reading someone in platinum tell other people how to play the game and how the game is played makes my eyes bleed.
I’m not trying to dodge or nitpick anything. If anyone is doing all that, it’s all the whiners that can’t pinpoint what broke the game. Do people seriously think it’s voidrays? Voidrays were literally unused in all matchups before they were buffed, and these new buffs did NOT break them by any means. Why are pros offracing as Protoss? I don’t know, maybe to get a perspective on how to beat these strategies? The Zergs already ferry queens across the map. The Terrans know how to hold voidray proxy (it’s difficult but possible). T/Z numbers are dropping because they are privileged whiny brats that can’t accept the fact that their wins vs P are no longer as free (this is an obviously exaggerated statement to match your energy - but there is some truth to it nonetheless). No, I don’t think this is an idea that everyone got at the same time. Terrans have hated Protoss players for years. They are using this as a leverage point to convince Zerg players that Protoss is broken to force another nerf down Protoss’ throat.
APM is a joke. I’ve said this many times. I’ve seen plat players with 240+ APM. Does that mean they are more skilled when I play all 3 races with ~150 APM? No (I’m master rank btw). It means they are slamming their keyboard and pretending that they are doing a lot of things when in reality they are just blindly slapping their fingers on the keyboard.
This is hilarious because people completely downplay how Protoss plays at a higher level - and it’s similar to what the other 2 races do. The lack of intelligence on the forums due to people of lower ranks echoing the thoughts of other foolish people thinking Protoss is just free a-move is ridiculous. To answer each one of your grievances individually:
- It’s extremely easy to siege tanks. It’s extremely easy to play traditional mech. So don’t pretend like it’s a legitimate skill factor.
- Stimming specific groups. Stimming is easy. Stutter stepping multiple drops is difficult. Stim + multiple drops certainly makes Terran harder than Protoss without a doubt, but the payoff is huge.
- Drops in general aren’t that much different than warp prism micro - whether it’s archon juggling, warping in zealots, disruptors, colossus. Protoss has similar things to do.
- Sieging liberators is not difficult
- EMP usage = storm usage
- It’s not just A and storm - Protoss ranged units can be stutter stepped as well and there are also disruptors. Protoss units also tend to be slower than stimmed bio.
People have an issue at lower leagues because they don’t know how to deal with Protoss once Protoss gets splash units. They don’t know how to utilize ghosts or when to start making liberator/viking. It’s simple. They want to keep spamming MMM and bank up 1000+ gas instead of investing that gas into more valuable units.
Not sure if you mean me, but if you are suggesting I am in platinum, I suggest you get your eyes checked. They are clearly bleeding because you are blinded with cave man rage. I also suggest you get your head checked for different reasons.
The guy you quoted 3 times is in platinum.
TvP was already unwinnable before the voiday buff. Battery overcharge makes the matchup beyond easy for protoss who can use control groups and watch the mini map.
Since I don’t play Zerg I can’t explain why voidray buffs make the matchup so difficult, I just know that I havent lost to a zerg with protoss that didn’t 12 pool me.
I was 4K last season and have a decent understanding of how the game works. You claimed one statement was false but failed to follow up with a correction, and APM stands for Actions Per Minute, as you know, so maybe I should have said EPM? The Effective actions per minute it takes to fight is 100 to 10. Obviously these numbers are imaginary but I’m using them to make a point. You said Protoss isn’t played positionally, so how do you play it? You claimed masters league but it said your profile didn’t exist. A shield battery is used positionally, recall is positional, storm is positional, how is Protoss not positional in nature? Hold position wall? I’m no pro just a salty Terran who hasn’t even played 20 games this season so don’t mind me.
i moved on to a shtty mobile chinese game … pay to win? no pay to lose. It’s because I got hooked to play it and now I want to get some of my money back and never start such abomination, It really takes a lot of war3 and turns things into some crappy stolen ideas for money and coin flip
I’m diamond 1 my profile is BrysonOne, I made BrysonTwo to test the broken placement bug
I play SC2 arcade games, Total Warhammer 3…was playing Cyberpunk 2077 but that game kind of sucks/is short so that’s done.
Looking forward to the new Resident Evil game!
I’ve said this in other posts, but admittedly I think shield battery overcharge needs to be adjusted for sure. I don’t think it solved PvP, but it made TvP and ZvP more annoying for sure. I do hope they adjust it at least. It seems like too powerful of a get out of jail free card.
This is much harder to keep track of, because I am only talking from personal experience, but the EPMs of people I see generally tend to be 100-150 across all 3 races, so take that as you will. It’s just not as emphasized, so I’m not bothered to read into it that much. I don’t think it’s 100 to 10, but unless you are stutter stepping wildly, there isn’t a huge difference in EPM.
You position yourself for drops and whatever other runbys… Technically all 3 races have varying degrees of positional playing. I don’t think I explicitly said what you think I said? I know what you mean I think - you don’t think Protoss has to position any units at outside bases to defend runbys and whatnot, but this is not true. Protosses will leave a disruptor or high templar in some far base along with other static defense. A Protoss base could be wiped in the blink of an eye if left undefended. While there is recall, they nerfed it nicely - it used to have a huge radius with low-ish cooldown, and now it is small radius with a high cooldown. I think it is in a fine spot, and you can even use that to your advantage depending.
So all in all, I’m kind of confused by what you are asking for. Originally you said “As a Protoss you press storm, and right click specific units to secure a position.” The reason why I said false was because, like I said, you are downplaying many other aspects of Protoss play. Protoss is more than just storm and right click.
The forum is heavily bugged. Try to look me up on rankedftw.
Damn masters 1 congrats that’s awesome.
… who is that? lol.