Since blizzard is apparently listening to us right now

Let’s come up with some solid feedback on the balance update.

First of all, we need to think of a better change for adepts, or just revert all the changes. A buff after shade is problematic for many reasons - it will disproportionately buff adept all ins, which were already strong, and not effect late game all that much.

Second, the new zerg ability needs to be stronger to compensate for losing ITs, and to encourage ground play as a solid alternative to broodlords.


Fourth, why hasn’t raven AAM not effecting splash damage been fixed yet?!

Finally, a note of encouragement - most players seem really positive about the direction of these changes. More microable zealots - love it. Less overpowered zerg abilities that encourage a diversity of playstyles instead of broodlord every (late) game … love it. Making BC and nydus cheese less cheesy… also good.

Most of all, I like the fact that blizzard is showing some actual gumption and willingness to shake things up with the game. The meta has grown quite stale over the last year or so, and this is certainly a step in the right direction.


Plz buff protoss so I don’t have to sleep through the XvP matchup.


Are you celebrating No Trolling Tuesdays? You’ve changed a bit since the new patch came out.


did we lose infested terrans? from the patch notes it looks like they got a lot stronger
and cost 25 more energy to use. Did they change something in testing?

I have an odd ball suggestion. Warp prisms require a setup before warping in units. Function almost like a nydus worm already right? However the surface area of a prism is small and also depends entirely on how many warpgates you have.

A nydus worm can send in 200 supply army if it wanted to with a nydus worm. The only advantage the prism has over a nydus right now is that it can be moved and needs to be attacked from air to air or ground to air.

Should we limit the amount of units that can be put into a nydus worm for transport like how the prism is? say the surface area of a nydus canal can only fit up to 50 supply or more.

Should the cost of Nydus worms go up Or should we limit each matchup or Nydus Network to only having 1 worm?

Should nydus networks die if the worm is destroyed?

OR should nydus worms only be able to be created on (with vision) creep?

example: Say you nydus the enemies natural or main. Should we force zerg to use an overlord to throw down creep in order to get it across the map?

Agreed they should do the following:

  • Reduce the energy cost to 75
  • Increase the duration to 18 seconds.

Total “Bruh” moment of SC2 balancing.

All they had to do to the Adept was the following and they would have been golden:

  • HP increased from 70/70 to 80/60
  • Amplified Shielding upgrade added, increases shields by +30.
  • Can now attack air units
  • Glaive upgrade remains unchanged

Or Alternatively:

  • HP increased from 70/70 to 80/70(or 80/80)
  • Can now attack air units
  • Glaive upgrade remains unchanged
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What would you think of a +2 armor upgrade for adepts instead of shields? I feel like the added shields are worthless vs terran because every terran will eventually get EMP vs a lot of adepts and its not hard to land at all.

It doesn’t fit the Adept’s design to give it more armor.

+30 shields gives the Adept 80/100 total life. That would be major as an “in between” unit of Stalkers and Zealots. Even factoring in EMP, the fights without EMP’s and with Adepts will be much better.

Opens map editor

Step-by-step on how to fix it in under >2 minutes:

  1. Go to Raven

  2. Go to Behaviors

  3. Click on Raven - Armor Reduction(Anti-Armor Missile)

  4. Under Combat: Damage Response, go down to Combat: Splash

  5. Change the “Disabled” to “Enabled”

What would you think of a +2 armor upgrade for adepts instead of shields? I feel like the added shields are worthless vs terran because every terran will eventually get EMP vs a lot of adepts and its not hard to land at all

Have to consider how early the ghost can get out in a game.
in a 3-1-1 build ive messed around with a 1 ghost, 2 marauder, 16 marine opener against protoss with no emp upgrade. push happens about 4 minutes. It CAN utterly fail if the ghost dies since there is no cloak and MM without medivac support is risky. I believe stim can finish about then as well.
I have not tested against an early adept push. I imagine if the protoss player isn’t doing an all in they can get quite a few adepts out by about this time. The 2 base all in hits about 6:30min.

I think a protoss can still handle it if he scouts and sets up shield batteries to compensate for the EMP.

By mid and late game the protoss should already have an answer to this. (shield batteries and feedback observer, psi storms, etc.)

I think the +2 armor upgrade makes them more viable mid game before late game unit transitions. I feel versus zerg the shields help them survive a baneling hit. But armor might actually make them survive banelings like a marauder does with splitting. You could see a huge meta shift with that.

I can imagine adept + immortal with the +2 armor upgrade being a new ground army meta for protoss. I think they might be avoiding this by upgrading shields.

Adepts are light, Banelings to bonus vs light. Having extra armor does nothing vs them.

I guess I stand corrected.

What about
X units versus adept units then with no bonus damage to light? say like marines or zerglings

Adepts already have a base armor of 1. Giving them +2 armor would make them have 3 armor. Giving them +3 armor would make them have 4 armor, the same as Plating upgraded Ultralisk.

I’m still trying to figure out this observer thing. In maybe one out of 100 P vs T games I’m able to escape with an observer from a scan. The rate could not be any lower. It’s virtually impossible to escape with an observer if the guy scans the right location and attacks with more than 1 marine…

Out of all the things that are frustrating and very, very arguably OP, this is what is frustrating to the point it needs to be changed? This is scary bad.



20 characters.

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20 characterslmaohahaXD

When you have Special sitting on the pylon show and complaining about speed observers for like 2 minutes straight, you know the Balance Team is going to do what it does best and cater to Terran.


I think with Special the other type of catering is more popular.


Is this a joke I’m missing? A pro actually complained about speed observers? LOL. You know life is beyond great when you can even find the time to whine about observers. My god.

Yo man, he’s probably right though. The state of Toss is so pathetic, that it wouldn’t even be that surprising that the most OP thing about Toss is “observers can see things bro. Totally not cool.” No one even freaking gets the upgrade unless other guy goes speed banshees. Jesus.