Should I buy this game still?

So I’m a bit of a fan of stratagy gaems and top down games. I was wondering if it was still worth buying the CD version of Starcraft 2 called “legacy of the void”. I notice it says theres a free version of starcraft 2 on the launcher as well
So my main question is:
Is there any difference between buying the CD version, digital version and free version?

No difference between digital and CD as far as I know. Except no one buys CD anymore :slight_smile:

With free version you don’t have campaign. The campaign is really fun and worth the $20 - $50 (whatever it is nowadays) alone.

If you love strategy games, you should buy SC2. It is the best game out there.


you will need to purchase it to play the campaign, you get all the online stuff for free, so 1v1 to 4v4, co-op mode, archon mode … and arcade games, but ya, if you want to play the campaign you gotta pay.

Understood, I’ll be buying the disk version very soon then! Thank you for the help

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i bought CD. I still need connection and downloading that 1.7GB patches.

I regret my life choice.

Don’t be like me.

hm i wonder if there are dvds on there which have the 3.0 client on them … i mean i can install WoL vanilla but still need than to DL all the patches that amassed in the 9 years since than so i am not sure you can save some time by getting the disk version and dl the rest …

Maybe they are just a fan of physical media. Most of my games I buy I expect the first hour or so is just install and day one updates, but I still just like to pop in disks out of habit. Same with cartridge based games.

Sadly having the CD doesn’t help there… was really disappointed when I first bought the CD of HOTS in order to not have to download, still have the 20GB to DL !
So unless you want the CD and the box for collection purposes I would suggest buying it on the shop :smiley:

At this point: Campaign. Multiplayer is free to play so buying the disc basically just means you’re buying access to the campaign story Legacy of the Void. Physical copies also come with some cool notepad with the game’s theme on it. If you don’t care about the notepad that comes with the physical copy then digital is just as good.

I wouldn’t buy the CD version.
You always need to download big patches so if your internet is that bad, I’d download the game at a friend’s home.
(then copy it to your pc and let it get updated / repair it - not sure if that also works on any OS but it should be possible on windows)
You can get the campaigns cheaper sometimes if there is an offer.

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Notepad… The only reason to buy a Blizzard physical box…


Free version comes with complete wings of liberty campaign, have to buy the other two though

the advantage with buying the disc version is that you can install it faster, specially if you have a slow internet connection.

if you have solid internet connection. theres not much need for the physical disk… then again you could give away your disk so someone could play the campaign for free then decide if they want multiplayer later… buy the cd give it away continue the process… i think🤔

i have a fairly fast internet connection and i get a faster intallation from disc.

Unless you wanna play Zerg, dont.

Primary difference
_ Blizz has to pay the cost to make the DISC => revenue is lower than digital revenue
_ You have to take the physical copy home and store it => you lost space

Primary similarity
_ You still need to download some tens of GB to fully play the game

For the best experience, don’t buy the CD

ina addition to that you can get the collectors digital edition which includes all the goodies the phyiscal had minus the the artbooks and other physical goodies contained in them…
in fact i was late on picking up the LotV CE so i opted to get the digital CE atleast so i have all 3 campaigns in CE form even though there is no benefit to having it in that manner like in so many other games where you bonus supplies and other stuff …

i am still mad that Blizz has transfered the glowing kaiserblade from the HotS Ultralisk skin to the Leviathan one btw

Don’t buy anything from blizzard, they don’t care about their customers… You are just source of money for them, they want you pay even for skins of addons and warchest notification spam you after every game …

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the campaign is fun honestly i wouldnt recomend the multiplayer, the arcade is also fun.