Shadow Guard uptime in P3 Keeper of Shadows

So recently there was some confusion regarding how P3’s Time Stop worked in terms of ‘resummoning’ Shadow Guards. I thought to myself to find out the exact uptime of Shadow Guard, for fun.

The basic information:

  1. Shadow Guard has a coolup of 3min and a cooldown of 3min, cost 50 energy.
  2. Time Stop has a coolup of 4min (at level 14 or up) and a cooldown of 4min.
  3. P3’s TS becomes local and resurrect any previously fallen SG.
  4. SG duration is normally 1min, with max mastery (set 2) becomes 2min (+60sec). However, with P3’s reduced 40%, this becomes 72sec after full mastery.
    • 60 + 60mastery x 0.6 = 72sec
  5. All SG cast or TS summoned has the mastery duration applied.

In a general gameplay, Time Stop will generally always be casted after Shadow Guard expires… at least the 1st set, otherwise your 1st Time Stop will NOT resummon any Shadow Guard. Any overlaps assume you have not lost your SG during either TS or SG, implying maximum total SG in that duration.

This also assumes the player uses 25 energy for Dark Pylon on initial cast, as well as taking full Energy Mastery +90 energy and casting off cooldown.

Time Time Frame (min) Method [SG/TS] # of SG Overlap
3 min 3 - 4:12 SG 4
4 min 12 sec 4:12 - 5:24 TS 4
6 min 6 - 7:12 SG 4
8 min 12 sec 8:12 - 9:24 TS 8
9 min 9 - 10:12 SG 4 9 - 9:24 = 12 SG
12 min 12 - 13:12 SG 4
12 min 12sec 12:12 - 13:24 TS 12 12:12-13:12 = 16 SG
15 min 15 - 16:12 SG 4
16 min 12 sec 16:12 - 17:24 TS 20
18 min 18 - 19:12 SG 4
20 min 12 sec 20:12 - 21:24 TS 24
21 min 21 - 22:12 SG 4 21 - 21:24 = 28 SG
24 min 24 - 25:12 SG 4
24 min 12 sec 24:12 - 25:24 TS 28 24:12 - 25:12 = 32 SG
27 min 27 - 28:12 SG 4
28 min 12 sec 28:12 - 29:24 TS 32
30 min 30 - 31:12 SG 4
31 min 12 sec 31:12 - 32:24 TS 36

Energy expenditure: SoA 16energy/min x 31min + 90mastery energy - 25DP energy - [50energy/SG x 10SG/30min] = 496 + 90 - 25 -500 = 586 - 575 = ~11energy.

I did not want to further calculate past 30min, as there are rarely games that stretch to that time. Even in mutation, the player will like opt to spend the energy in Dark Pylon or Blackhole, have different mastery choices, or delay cast timings to better suit emergencies.

There should be no need to emphasize the high damage of Shadow Guard. Just for fun though, they deal 85 dmg / 1.694 attack cooldown x 4 SG = 50.18 DPS x 4 = ~200 DPS (per 4 SG). So for example, @ 9min, the overlap 12 SG would equate to roughly 600 DPS. And similarly @ 21min, the overlap SG DPS would be over 1400 :stuck_out_tongue: . It is why cheesing things with them seem so easy and quick.

So the total up time of Shadow Guard in P3 is 72sec x 18 = 1296sec, assuming no overlap. Of course we would subtract that overlap time out, which amounts to 24 + 60 + 24 + 60 = 168sec. The result being 1296sec - 168sec = 1128sec or 18min 48sec total uptime. Compared to the other prestige with similar off cooldown cast, their uptime is 2min x 10cast/30min = 20min total with P0, P1, or P2. Of course, the difference here being your SG DPS is always capped at 4 SG.

If there are calculation errors, sorry lolz, too many numbers.

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I just want to mention that a player should still save enough energy for black holes and only the left over energy should be used on shadow guards, optimal play with P3 vorazun is not spamming shadow guards every 3 minutes without thinking.

Absolutely, in practice, most P3 might end up going up to 12 SG or so, most of the time. Shadow Guard beyond certain time is rather pointless (especially if it’s only 4). Might have some usage in sniping a Poop or Reanimator, perhaps.

More often in most games, Blackhole definitely helps far more. The comparison is only to showcase a curious finding that P3 actually has slightly less uptime than normal. Of course, it’s impact is far greater. P3 allows for a good ground coverage/safety, which in turn opens up Vorazun’s many other styles to be more viable for the average player.

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These days I average about 8-12 guards where they are strategically used.
1st - Rock clear
2nd/3rd - soften up a base before moving in.
3rd/4th - summoned to support the army during a siege.

The rest of my energy is spent on dark pylons or black hole casts like what Ancalagon mentioned (tbh you’re really forced to save for blackholes if you don’t want your army decimated in the early game). I find 8 is already plenty to wipe out a base/objective.