Serral is the best player to have played Zerg

He is not the best player in the world. He just happens to be the best person, who is at the moment playing the best race. Esport scene going even further into the gutter if we don’t get an immediate patch.

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I don’t think there’s been any doubt that Zerg has been the best race at pro-level for years on end, but at the same time, to disregard Serral as being one of, if not the best player on the planet right now is quite frankly stupid.

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I never said he wasn’t one of the best players. But the state of balance is so garbage that it’s hard to take any zerg player seriously. PvZ in IEM is literally 18%.

yo stop being racist, zerg lives matter.

Just FYI:

Serral lost ONE map in the entire tournament - vs Dark’s ling bane all-in in their 1st game. The rest of his opponent got blasted 2 - 0, 3 - 0, 4 - 0.

What i observed is when Serral stabilizes after any aggression from his opponent it is impossible to kill him. He will take any expansion on the map and then all terran can do is to turtle behind PF, ghosts, widow mines and pray that he runs out of money - but it never happens. Maru on Radhuset station was the closes to achieve that but he ran out of money too.

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Yeah thats why he dropped only 1 map in the entire game…

Zerg is fine, Terran is fine, Protoss just needs a small buff.

Balance has never been better

He would have won if he or any other terran got the stupid raven …

Raven really wouldn’t have made a difference there.

you didnt see Radhuset game then …

I watched the entire finals. Believe me, I saw it. Raven wouldn’t have made the difference you think it would have, especially with corruptors out. I know you think it would help with creep clearing, or maybe spotting the infestors, But honestly the angles they came in it would have made little difference. Especially when scan has a much larger vision radius and he was dropping multiple scans at a time to keep track of army movement consistently.

Frankly that game came down almost entirely to the map itself. He traded literally over 20k resources better than Serral. That’s almost a base and a half more resources than Serral did.

Unless ur name is innovation and it’s the wesg finals. I saw a team liquid goat analysis and they didn’t put inno at #1. Way too many crazy people on earth.

Listen. Blizz got tired of kpreans taking top8 everywhereso they used affirmative action to help out foreigners and banned kr from tournaments. This downsized the korean pro scene and that effectively deleted the talent pool. Now serral gets to dominate everything. This is a policy failure of blizz and nothing else. Balance is not relevant to this equation. All the korean goats moved on except maru and it’s clear serral has number. Serral will dominate every tournament as long as the tournament cash keeps flowing or he gets bored. This is what happens when marxist equal outcome logic is used to run a business.

Korean goats have a choice. Practice hard and maybe beat serral or do the smart thing and get a job which gives guanteed pay, career advancement, etc. Nobody is going to put their life in reverse just for a shot at taking out serral. Sc2 was the king of esports and now it’s a meme, lmao.

Hydra took his wcs winnings and opened a bar. What a smart dude. Any1 with a brain saw the talent get banned from tournaments and said “yeah no way am I gonna risk training for months if stuff like that can invalide my time investment”.