In game factors favor protoss, it’s simply a fact of reality, so zerg and terrans have to win through out of game factors. Out of game factors include multitasking, reaction speed and, yes, IQ. Because balance gives protoss an advantage, they will score lower in out of game factors for the same performance level. The advantage of Protoss is equivalent to taking a B+ grade student and giving them an A. These things have been confirmed numerous times in research papers.
There is a huge difference in the skill requirements required to play zerg compared protoss, with zerg requiring 30% more screen movements for example. It’s practically guaranteed that zergs score higher in memory tests because you are essentially splitting your attention across 30% more areas of the map.
Not only is protoss easier, requiring less out of game factors for the same performance level, but it was deliberately designed this way to appeal to the low skill moba players. RTS has an issue and MOBA solved it and SC2 designers tried to copy that idea by making Protoss the “MOBA” race of SC2. It was always designed with that goal in mind. That’s why Protoss ball their army in a single glob with f2 and attack down a single lane of the map. They are treating their deathball as a hero unit and attacking down one lane of the map exactly like how League is played.
The issue is that people then expect this mastery of the game to be capable of winning tournaments, and that’s just insane. It’s insane to expect a moba-level mastery of the game to win premier tournaments. If the game were fair, it would be impossible to get grandmaster without mastery of hotkeys, for example, but it’s totally normal for protoss to be in premier tournaments with one hotkey. Why no more hotkeys? Because they are treating their deathball like a hero unit. People who play the super-simplified version of the game, aka protoss, are punching deep into premier tournaments and terrorizing the other pro players. The strain that is being created I think will ultimately be the death of SC2 esports.
The dominoes are already falling. The lowest level terran and zerg pros will be the first to fall because they will realize it’s impossible to compete with protoss on an equal skill basis, and, since they are the lower tier pros in skill, they will realize they can’t do it. So they will retire. Then protoss will be the most common race in tournaments and PvP will be the most common matchup. We’re already seeing this happen, with protoss winning 2x as many esl cups as zerg, and with PvP being 4x as common as ZvZ.
Protoss has destroyed SC2 esports and will continue doing so going into the future.
I predict Gumiho will be among the first to fall. Idra and Nerchio were ahead of the curve because they figured this out way sooner than anyone else. Why play a game that is rigged against you?