Scourge Queen Zagara masteries

Scourge Queen Zagara is great. I finally reached level 15 and went to check on how my power was about to spike. Turns out, very little. All of Zagara’s Tier 1 and Tier 3 masteries require Zagara. It was a bit of a let-down. I’d like to see her mastery tiers either become army-accessible or maybe have prestige-specific masteries added in the future.

Unfortunately, they didn’t seem to get around to this particular issue in the latest balance patch. Hopefully this will be on the next round of things to fix.

I don’t think it needs a fix. Some Prestiges will get more or less benefit out of certain masteries.

If M90 P1 Zagara is too weak, then just buff P1 baseline, don’t bring back a weakened Zagara/add complicated double effects for masteries.

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I don’t think I mentioned anything of the sort, did the reply get messed up again?

Zagara’s P1 definitely benefit the least from her masteries.

You didn’t, those have been mentioned ways to “fix” this non-problem.

And mastery-prestige interaction is going to occur a lot (Zag P1 is just the most pronounced) Those interactions are a necessary part of Prestige changing the commander in a significant way

I’m not the one to say this but is Prestige 1 that weak?

I mean I can understand that the early part would be difficult without Zagara but getting free 8 Banelings 4 scourges as well as further snowballing potential doesn’t necessarily sound like a downgrade (it actually sounds perfect when I want to go for Baneling Rush).

If you think it’s that weak, have the prestige increase the mastery set 2 potential by 50%
(Zerglings evasion to 67.5% Baneling Explosion 45) or have mastery set 1 or 3 affect p1 somehow.

I don’t think it’s due to it being weak that this comes up, rather just the feeling of loss. If it was crazy strong and swept absolutely everything it would still be brought up, just how people are.

However I fall under “people” too, so I’d prefer to see something added as an excuse to further individualize the Talents. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

If they were to make her Infested Drop and Mass Frenzy available from a top bar with P1, similar to how Abathur has a top bar, it would not only mitigate the loss of Mass Frenzy, but also make her Tier 3 masteries relevant again.

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It’s actually my favourite Prestige thus far. Just…So many banelings. Free ones at that. Plus scourge? I have no issues with not having Zagara.

P2 is my favorite on Zagara honestly, but P1 is very close. There’s something special about being able to rally a spot on the map, hold R until you’re out of supply, and then watch a wave of scourge converge on it. And then you hit F2 and attack move and your 8 banelings just roll aimlessly in the direction of the goal like someone playing Ocarina of Time.

Losing Zagara doesn’t hurt in the slightest.

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That might make P1 a little too good. Would certainly feel nicer though. Maybe a slight nerf to frenzy cooldown (+30 sec?) or duration (-5 sec?) and I think it would work decently,

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The fix for this one is to get to lv15, where you are unstoppable, masteries or not.

the thing is because P1 gives you so many banelings (more than usual anyways) by having double banelings spawn from nest and zerglings spawner in mass and therefore cheaper, it buffs her 2nd mastery to some pretty wicked levels. Double baneling dmg for the 30 banelings in your wave with zagara? (+plus lets say 14 due to a couple zag barrages)

or a constant army of 70 banes in every wave?

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I really dislike prestiges that flat out remove big parts of commanders.
Like the ones that remove Zagara and Super Garry and the one that removes Swann drill calldowns and Alarak Death Fleet.

It makes it rather boring (less fun) to play a commander without a big mechanic or flashy cooldown that usually comes with it.

There are people on both sides. I, for one, think the idea of completely removing parts of commanders very interesting.

There are just times where the advantages don’t outweigh the disadvantages (cough cough swann P1). But I don’t think there’s anything inherently bad with removing Karax static defense or Kerri omega worms or even swann’ laser drill abilities.


Agreed. If the prestige simply nerf’d the commander compared to its standard level, then you know they are just asking for big no no’s.

Inherently removing/disabling certain things isn’t necessarily bad, justification is required. Otherwise, might as well just nerf the commander straight up.

they could literally just add new masteries and have points in one mastery close off the other

Good news, everyone!


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Indeed, I hope they’ll consider redesigning some of the other masteries as well. This certainly solves the p1 not getting 2/3 mastery issue.

so, based on another post I think they should move evasion to 3, bane damage to 1 and life regen to 2, apparently evasion + frenzy was a big thing for other builds.