SC2 is pretty awful now, no longer an RTS + dead game

They just need a broader variety of maps in general. The latest map pool was a step in the right direction, but they are still way too timid. Everything from 1 base maps to 20 base maps, totally asymmetrical maps, island maps, center spawns instead corners, etc.

One of the most cliche things about SC2 maps is that bases have the minerals in really ordered, logical places. Why not make some bases where the minerals are spread out? You’ve got scvs running all over your bases. Oh and they under-utilize mine-out paths, where you mine out a certain resource patch to gain a new path. Imagine a base where you have mineral clusters that become available only after mining out the front clusters. This allows bases to last longer without increasing the peak mining rate. Or imagine a rich vespene that becomes accessible only after you mine out the minerals in your main.

Imagine an air path that has a volcano under it. Ever so often it goes off, dealing 100 damage/second to anything above it. But, it’s in a place where it provides easy access to the enemy’s main base. Imagine a XelNaga tower that opens a gate. If you control it, you can force a gate to be open or closed.

Imagine maps where it’s capture the flag instead of destroy all enemy buildings, or tower control where you need to control 3 of 5 towers for 2 minutes and you win the game. Capturing towers could be very appealing to n00bz because you can make certain zones invulnerable. So you can only fight in the disputed territories which means no annoying multiprong worker harass. The game would be focused more on micro & unit retainment than on multitasking.

There are loads of cool things they could do, they are just way too timid.

All those things would make the game great sadly people care more about balance than fun and the guys in charge don’t want be pointed at for making bad unblanched map. Pro payers don’t play for fun they try make money so they don’t want more fun they are more concerned with not having to work extra and people listen to them which is dumb. I would loved maps with neutral enemy units like in warcraft 3 imagine a map with packs of raoming zerg just patroling into you.

SC2 is still the best. So, if you want the best RTS in the world, you play SC2. That’s it. In theory, a better game can be made, for Blizzard-style RTS fans. Unfortunately, it doesn’t make any business sense, so nobody is going to make it. Even Frost Giant, with their Stormgate, is going into a cartoony, childish territory, simplifying everything along the way, and FG guys, are former Blizzard/SC2 guys.

Yep sc2 was taken over by hyper toxic overly competitive trolls who play the same boring game on repeat, spamming apm like a robot, then acting like what they did was hard or amazing or somehow deserving praise. And it’s not fun for anyone else. Frankly it’s concerning they can do the same thing on repeat for hours and hours, so they demonstrate some sort of mental health condition. It was a big mistake to give these people, of all people, the ability to design the game because they prioritize what’s important to them and that’s keeping the game exactly as it is because that’s exactly how they like it.

By sheer luck, they tried out slightly different maps, my win-rate shot up from 55% to 70% overnight. I was beating pro zergs who were having public melt downs on twitch about “muh rocks block muh movement :face_holding_back_tears:” And that’s how you know sc2 is not a strategy game, but an apm spam game. The people who play it professionally are apm spammers who simplify the game down to the 3 best build orders & practice those builds on repeat like robots. How their brain can tolerate something so boring and repetitive remains an unanswered question. Frankly these people are the biggest obstacle to the health and well being of the game as a whole. Can’t have fun maps because some professionals might have a melt down on twitch when they don’t know how to deal with some rocks impeding their army movements. Imagine the epic melt downs that would occur when pro zergs had access to only 1 base. You gotta beat a terran with 1 mining base. Good luck – they can’t do it because strategizing, creating build orders, modifying unit positioning & movement manuevers is beyond their ability. The trait SC2 pro play selects for the most, out of anything, is the ability to to ignore strategy & do the same build on repeat like a robot. So of course the people in the pro scene will have a melt down if they actually have to strategize, because they can’t.