SC2 Fan's perspective on the Zerg imbalance

Now before you foam at the mouth and make an immediate counter argument, consider that the other races just don’t have anything even remotely close to a Baneling. A unit with 1 goal in mind; to collide with the enemy. Or even something so expendable and for lack of a better term ‘bang for buck’ that completely wreaks havoc on any bio/mec/ground unit it touches, with immense splash and speed and maneuverability. Paired with lings and upgraded speed, they become near impossible to isolate, and take out consistently.

While it takes great skill and maneuvering on the Terran and Protoss side to take out a bunch of workers, or even a cheap zergling/baneling comp, the Zerg can literally just distract on two fronts, and send a bunch of banelings into a less protected CC/Nex. It takes no real micro skill, just a mere misdirection and you’re able to annihilate an entire field of workers instantaneously.

In summary, It’s just a unit that’s too easy to use, too cheap, and way too effective. Nobody plays a flawless game in SC2, and many unit comps can land devastating attacks if they catch an opponent off guard. But none come even close to the effortless destruction that Banelings inflict. Ultimately, in a long fight, every Zerg should be able to land a multitude of crippling baneling attacks and create such a gap in the economy that they’re always the favorite.

You have storm or EMP / siege tanks. Banes are difficult to engage an army into off of creep, unless you get a good surround, which isn’t as easy as it looks.

Without lair tech and without creep, they can be kited. They also aren’t good at everything. Only bio for the most part.

And you definitely DO have to micro them. If you don’t, they’ll get stuck behind everything and won’t do crap if the opponent actually splits their army etc. have you personally used them in a good amount of matches?

Why not ask how to deal with them on Terran forums or Protoss instead of crying that you can’t fortify a third / have proper map control to know what’s coming where?


shiftclicking libs onto a mineral line is definitely skill. So is dropping and hitting T

zealot run by is such a meme that I don’t even feel bad when it happens to me, because, “Yeah, should have seen this coming,” but yes, hitting w, holding down Z and shift clicking is also pretty hard.


You: *makes this thread complaining on how banelings require no micro
Also you: *unsiege tanks once in a while and call it the epiphany of SC2 gameplay

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I think you really have to play with banelings a little to complain about them. They are anything but expendable. You see the best zergs in the world mis-microed a couple banelings and just straight up lose the entire game.

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banelings would be really really strong if everything in this game was also melee range

I love how everyone assumes I play Terran. Interesting fact, I only ever played Zerg in both BW and SC2.
The issue is; Regular player vs Regular player, Terran - with siege tanks and late game mech - has the edge. But when you put Zerg in the hands of an expert, a certain issue emerges. Yes, Zerg will be Zerg, and be ahead in bases and economy, and ‘throw bodies’ at the opponent in a non-cost effective manner. However, in doing so, after every engagement, they’re able to rebuild. Regardless of whether it goes really good or really bad, so long as it’s not catastrophic. But it is this constant ability to bounce back - a reset if you will - that increases the likelihood of a Zerg win. It basically turns the match into a numbers game, i.e. How long can my opponent keep up this amazing micro, until I can get an insane Baneling connection and turn the tide?

Banelings is a reason I play mech Terran vs Zerg.
Because every time i see banes running into my bio-army I understand 1 easy thing: while I need to kite, split, stim, load medivacs etc., Zerg just making new drones and ling/banes with next A-wave into my army/expands.