SC 2 an unbalanced tragedy: not about skill

I’m mostly a Terran player and been on the fence quitting Star craft for good. The reason is that the game is just not balanced. I tell people all the time that brood war is a more balanced game even though SC2 is technically better. I say that to say that SC 2 can be balanced if they wanted to make it so.

Instead of balancing the game they make it so the games play out a certain way. We want to see more blink stalkers or nydus play or less proxy play or what ever. The problem with that is that it breaks the game in other areas or limit the play somewhere else. Every play style should have a counter if you see it coming.

I have examples that i can give but this post will go on forever. but every race has things that they see coming and you are like ok. here is this bulls… again…

However you can scout something and it still works because there is not a counter for it or because its what blizzard wants to see. This is probably what SC2 has so many games that are more popular and less frustrating. Please balance the freaking game.


I can see where your frustration is coming from. First of all, you say you are “mostly a Terran player” meaning you also spend a significant amount of time playing other races, or am I wrong?

The problem with this, is that, combined with the fact that youre in the diamond league (the most frustrating league imo), you are not honing your skills enough for what is the most difficult 1v1 game on the planet.

I do not think the game is perfectly balanced either. However, nothing truly is, and probably never will be (how do you even measure that?). I also don’t think Brood War is more balanced, and the proof is in the fact that maps play a ridiculously large role in success of a matchup. That’s right, brood war is so unbalanced that maps are a huge deal. I can go on and on about Brood War but that’s another topic.

Anyway, youre at the level of SC2 where every small technical advantage that you can squeeze out with skill leads to a huge advantage over the course of the game. The wall between Diamond and Master is mammoth. This is the cost of SC2 being the hardest 1v1 competitive game on the planet. Becoming better at your point becomes exponentially harder. The M3 protoss who walks all over you with blink stalkers would get steamrolled by most Ms Terran.

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I’m done with this game. I’ll quit for a while then start with Z or P, that’s enough. Terran is always frustrating when you watch the replay and realise the reason had made mae you lose the game was alway silly.

I measure balance by units and/or builds having a counter if scouted. not well your playing skytoss and the best thing to do is to avoid their army or die. not playing against mass lings/banes and losing. this is not just at my level by even all the way to up to pro gamer.
I was watching one of the “top” zerg and their games are litterly get about 6 to 10 queens and some ling/bane and just macro… almost every game went this way no matter the race that they played. I am not sure why all zerg dont do that. I even do that and get wins… It was a frustrating game to watch really frustrating. I almost un-installed the game right then and there

Every play style should have a counter if you see it coming.

That’s not skill, that’s strategy. If you could win simply by changing your strategy and using your knowledge, the game wouldn’t be skilled-based.

A purely strategic game wouldn’t require any mechanical skill. And a purely skill-based game wouldn’t require much strategy.

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SC2 is a RTS right S being being for strategy. could SC2 be made to be a pure strategy game. guess thats a discussion for another thread.
however, maybe just maybe I am looking at the game wrong. and i need to be practicing mechanics to get my skill level up. I:E . practicing splits and macro more. maybe there is a mix between the 2 and i just dont see it yet.
Perhaps I should take a different approach to the game instead of looking at the strategy side look at the mechanics of the game… :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:

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I love terran but i switched to zerg cause its more forgiving than terran , the only thing that really saves terrans are mules but beside that only very few things do the job right. Diamond is another wall for terrans where it means to use perfectly several units in order to shine while as protoss you hit the wall at M3 or M2. Terran in my eyes is a very strong race but it need more practice than any other race in the game and time , what most of us dont have , unless you aiming for pro. I watched a stream by Heromarine who explained why so many terrans struggle at certain leagues.

i also am getting fed up with this game! When I play toss it feels so easy! Like money just seems to be so abundant and the units so strong! Zerg gets a lil harder but you can literally just sit in you base a focus on macro and defend with queens and lings. Where as with Terran you always feel under pressure to do game ending damage! If you don’t do any damage it just GG. I triple drop Zerg and the just always have a swarm of lings and queens to easily deflect it. It’s just dumb!


While I understand your frustration, Starcraft II. below high masters is largely just about improving one’s mechanics. The game doesn’t really become a “strategy game” until one is ~4900 MMR. Until that point, the game is mostly about I. Learning to macro properly. This will get you to masters pretty much regardless of what you do. II. Learning to multitask—unbind f2, manage multiple drops, that sort thing. This will get you to mid-masters, assuming you are marcoing well. III. Learning timings and generally what one is supposed to do vs specific timings.