R.I.P. iNcontroL

Is your social understanding that edgy non politically correct humour is mature and healthy?, you got it wrong,kid, that way you will be another brovilo.

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Yep you still got the mental fence in your head that mom put up to keep you safe when you were 5. The outside world is much bigger and more complicated and interesting and fun than what mom says is OK. It’s more than just humor because people with a childish mindset are easy to take advantage of. You see it all the time in scams that push your emotional buttons and make you feel like the bad guy who did something wrong (aka the democrat’s entire political strategy ranging from CRT to climate change). Don’t you think it’s a bit ironic that Democrats own 15 houses each as they fly around in gas guzzling million dollar jet planes to guilt trip people on the evils of capitalism and climate change? Yet people making $15 an hour race their hand to their wallet and pull out fistfuls of cash so they can feel like they aren’t offending their climate priests.

You gotta grow a spine if you want to make it in life. If you feel “bad” for having “wrong think” humor then you are way too easy to manipulate socially and you will be railroaded your entire life.


Let’s be real you liked Incontrol the most because he wouldn’t let any opportunity to troll terran whiners pass. That and point out when terran players were playing badly as his co caster tried to hype the game.

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I couldn’t find the video of that quote but this one will have to do instead:

Weak, leave your anti Byun propaganda back in 2017.


Supposed world champ Byun is completely and utterly demolished 3-1 by peak Innovation. Innovation is definitely the GOAT of sc2 and anyone who says otherwise is braindamaged. He’s the only guy to take a premier tournament off Serral during Serral’s peak in 2018, before any of the zerg nerfs, while playing long macro games.

Well now I hate incontrol. Thanks for that.

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Byun = Taeja = MVP. but that’s another topic.

Here’s the stuff I was referencing without Tehbatz biases.


I’ve got news for you. MVP was trash. He won at the start of WOL when A) nobody had any clue what they were doing and B) when balanced favored terran so much it was almost impossible to lose vs an equally skilled opponent if you picked terran on the loading screen. We’re talking unstoppable rax before depot bunker rushes.

So you are correct in your MVP=Byun equivalence however to put Taeja into that category is plain offensive.

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BURN IT DOWN [Official Music Video] - Linkin Park - YouTube

“Healthy adults should not worry about offending other people. Its their fault if they get bothered by the offensive things i say, im under no obligation to regulate my behavior for anybody.”


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Woke generation is ganging on BatZ because he dared to give his due to one of best casters and personalities of SC2.
In the today world calling things by their proper name is not politically correct and “hurting” the feeling of a bunch of crybabies is the supreme crime that should be…“cancelled”.
It’s a sad day when I have to form a united front with BatZ on this issue.

InContol is no more, we have to make do with invertebrates like FearDragon and other nullities of the ZombieGrub type.


Its always hilarious to me when people unironically defend their rights to behave like trash.


The difference between us (the trash) is that we accept people as they are and do not try to impose to others rules defined arbitrarily by us.
You create out of thin air rules where the fragile sensitivities of some not well defined categories of sickos are to be pampered.
It’s ironic that such idocies did not exist even under Communism.
It was enough to not dabble in politics and that’s all.
With the today woke generation one is never sure that something innocent won’t touch the sensitivities of some glorified pervert.


Ha. Hah ha. Thats funny. Its a good thing youre a known troll or i would think you genuinely believe that.

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I am an equal-opportunity and democratic troll. BatZ can testify to that as well as you, Bourne and all kind of vegetables in this forum.
Very few posters are eligible to be treated with due respect and without trolling here. But i would never dream of implementing some kind of thought-police here. As i said, people are the way they are and is a thankless task to try to change them.
I like all those rotten vegetable here because without them i would have no opportunity to troll them.

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The kid calling other people trash is the one also posting things like this:

^ This was said ironically in case it wasn’t obvious.

Lmao. You’ve got issues kid (namely a superiority complex). You might want to talk to a psychologist. You aren’t a superior human being because you have a different taste in humor. You’ve still got those mental fences up that mom put up to protect you when you were five. She said “this is bad and don’t do it” because you were 5 years old and not smart enough to know what is bad and when it is bad. Cracking jokes about hackers is not bad, and if you think otherwise, you might want to talk to a shrink.

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The guy is unironically calling other people trash based on the fact that he doesn’t like their humor, saying the humor is bad, while giving himself a free pass for calling people trash. Imagine being able to think things such as that without noticing the extreme contradictions that they ought to create in your mind long before you ever punched them out into a keyboard.


And being called woke generation, a bit more and I would be a boomer.

That too. Its like these guys just stopped existing like 25 years ago and forgot that time continues to move on.

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Woke virus is not exclusive to woke-generation, you can well be a boomer and woke (but is even worst when this virus infects people that by now should have developed immunity).

Nah, as is written in Ecclesiastes “Nothing new under the Sun”.
Such mass psychosis (that’s what is the woke/blm ideology) is found in each Century.
Last century the nearest thing to this abomination was the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
Stupid people think that human development is a ladder where humanity goes up and up.
Other deep thinkers think that it is rather a Hamster Wheel.

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