Why are we balancing a game mode where everything was made to be broken in one way or another?
Like… if we compare the cost of Raynor battlecruiser call down with H&H battlecruiser, it obviously gonna be Raynor (Free, strong abilitypower, splash dmg, multiple attack). Should we nerf Raynor BC call down to H&H level? Obviously not.
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Yeah, it would be more fair to maybe buff it to the level of call in the fleet, right? Or perhaps we could keep it the same since it’s power is increased by being able to teleport all over. Or perhaps because we don’t like balance we should give people a “kill all enemies on the map” button while their teammate just no longer gets to play the game.
How extreme do we want to go? I’d like it if Karax’ SoA shots only costed half of what they did now. That way, I could pretty much go nearly entire missions without having to make many units nor towers
So typical random queue Karax build
Not quite… even less!
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