Revelation Regarding Zeratul Cannon Cost

Err… yes, you can. You can build buffed-up photon cannons that project copies of themselves onto the battlefield. They’re not fundamentally different from what they were before.

Put a poll in any game about who likes the current balancing, and everyone will have their own list of proposed changes.


I will only say this since we wont agree.

No you cant. if you did try it, it isnt a viable option. you have to go all in and even then its much, much worse.
Going by your logic you can also only build probes and attack amon with it, doens’t mean it is worth it :wink:

you do know what a poll is right? As i said give them two options who likes it and don’t.
But seeing your recent post al you want is the fun beeing taken away for others. its not comp is casuel !!!
They even said when they launched co-op they wouldn’t nerf… sigh… and seeing the poll here on the forums isn’t either going well for your point of view says enough :exploding_head:

Anyway i respect your opinion but i still stand by my point this is sucking the lifeforce out of this gamemode.

Have a nice day.

You obviously understand this, and RickRumble and many others were kind enough to point it out in said thread, but I am going to still say it.

These are just numbers on a page. They compare how a unit’s damage output and health (with their respective upgrades) measure up to similar units. It does not and can not take many variables into consideration, like other units the commander has, training speed, the economy of said commander, the list goes on.

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Totally agree with you on that part.

can’t argue with math.

It’s a valid trade off IMO.

You want instant mobility to smash something with overwhelming firepower? Well you can’t bring those tasty Repair Beams and Defense Matrices with you. You want some added durability for your army? Sacrifice some mobility.

Honestly Swann is such a well designed CO. That’s why he’s one of my favorites.

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Oh, very nice calculation.
So, i guess according to this logic if Zeratul cannons are as efficient as Artanis, Vorazun, Alarak, Fenix then Zeratul will build cannons as often as all this commanders (never).
Really nice point, thanks.

Eh, Tactical Jumps are about all Swann has going for him nowadays to compensate his slow build-up.

I think they should just give SV’s Tactical Jump so he doesn’t have to forsake Detectors to use his core gimmick.

It’d take more effort than most Commanders need to win, especially with proper Matrix use.

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If you’re building cannons with Alarak you may be doing something the wrong way.

I’m not. That’s the point of the post. You sure you read it till the end carefully?

Well, two things then. Firstly sorry, I misunderstood your post. Secondly, I didn’t mean you anyway, just generally.

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Well actually, Vorazun makes a lot of cannons in standard play. Not to mention that Fenix and Artanis when played well will actually end up maxed and floating minerals reasonably often, so if you are able to spare the APM to make some cannons it’s 100% worth it. And this comparison says that if you completely removed the shade ability from the game, Zeratul would still make cannons as often as those commanders.

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Zealots are better for offense.
So yes, I completely agree, everyone will build cannons at 200/200 or 100/100 if they have time to spare. But before it - only for ghost nuke defense. That exactly what I was talking about.

So if we removed the tesseract shade entirely from the game, then Zeratul would still make cannons for those purposes? So what about now where the shade still exists?

Eem… nothing?
20 chars.

You heard it here first, the ability to spawn free defense anywhere on the map means nothing!

Eem… no. Your question was not about what abilities do Zeratul’s cannons have, you asked

and I answered that nothing (we’re just discussing the game on forum).

If I’m Karax with a Vorazun ally, I’ve been getting them to NOT make cannons, but leave that to me (especially when she drops a Dark Pylon). Mine are instant, have upgrades, and it’s easier for layout purposes to combine with Shield Batteries. This frees up more resources for Vorazun to make more units.

Why not both? Many players don’t bother with towers for defense, which I can say, I don’t blame them. Why spend resources when you don’t need to? That’s more for offense and/or upgrades.

With Protoss, you can warp in Gate units into a power field, so that’s usually enough to take care of attack waves, and then “recycle” those units to your front lines. However, I’ve found having a cannon or 2 isn’t too shabby, and provides detection.

Shade? The thing that gives Zeratul’s towers extra damage absorption? I’m sure folks will still build towers, but cannons should cost less to compensate for that.

Well, yes, but you only need detection against ghosts.
And in mid-late game one warp-in of zealots usually won’t be able to deal with a wave and you do not want to waste gas on stalkers, dragoons or adepts that will probably take considerable losses even if they will be able do deal with the wave with the help of top panel.

No, I mean the projections. Even without those they beat Karax in primary cost efficiency calculations.

The reason that people make the cannons is because they often don’t want to spend gas on anything other than DTs and corsairs, and cannons are way better than unupgraded zealots.