Last few maps were designed by community, I don’t see how that puts a strain on devs. There are still a few maps from the contest left, add them to the pool of maps.
Um… while some people work at jobs they are miserable at, there are many people who work jobs they are very happy at and they never retire. Such as university professors who love what they teach and continue to teach until they die of old age while still at university. My medical doctor is a great-grandmother and she still practices medicine and her patients are very happy with her, me included.
Then you have certain hobbies such as gardening that one can do until they die of old age as well.
There are people obsessed with reading, that never gets boring for them. Ask any librarian! Some of these (usually) women continue being librarians until they’re like 88.
Video games are not as often like that, but one can easily point to some of the World of Warcraft enthusiasts who have been playing Tank for like 12 years.
I favor more defensive COs (Karax, Swann, Stukov), so playing Lock & Load lets them shine. I suppose if you’re quick enough, you can take all 5 locks before enemy waves pour in. However, that’s not most people (including yours truly). Putting in defense means you’ll only have to take 5 locks. Not 5 locks, but then retake back 7 of them.
The official maps are created from scratch by the devs.
The maps created by the players are simply demos or proof of concept which the devs draw ideas from to make official maps.
The whole idea of the map competition was for players to create ideas for new maps in the form of a playable map. The winning concept would then be turned into an official map.