Request for server management

currently on the NA server people have the option to select a server or to select “Best Match” I request that we keep everyone happy and instead enable a checkbox system, in which we can select which servers we allow, for example I am in NZ and I am ok with playing on AUS SGP and WEST, sometimes no one is playing in aus in my mmr range so i have to either select best match or search SGP then search west, if i select best match, i get matches on east and central which feel horrible,

americans complain about similar issues, often i hear they understanbley dont want to play brazil of australia, but im sure many on the east coast still get decent ping to the west coast and would happily play on that server, alas they are stuck choosing 1 server or “Best match” where im sure most would be fine selecting west cental and east.

implementation would be much appreciated.

I think if your in masters league you setting the server choosing doesnt apply anymore its always best match. Im not sure about this thou.

im in masters 3 and can confirm you are not correct, f10 options region and language, still applies ctrl alt f in game to see server if you choose you always get that server, eu only has 1 server so this only applies to NA (not sure for kr)