Repair Depot for Terran depots

I’d like to suggest a Repair depot upgrade to supply depots similar to the “call down: extra supplies” upgrade.

Any mech unit within range would start to get repaired as if the repair depot was an SCV. But only 1 unit at a time.

I noticed while watching pro games that Battlecruisers seem really good because they can jump out and get repaired. But they end up being very inefficient on resources. It’s still totally worth it for the opposing player to damage the battlecruiser even if it doesn’t feel like they are getting value.

If you use 1 SCV to repair it costs 200min, 150gas. If you use 2 SCV’s then it costs 400min, 300gas. And the SCV is not mining. If you use 4-5 SCV it repairs quick but you are using lots or resources.

Unless I’m wrong about the resources need to repair. do extra SCV just decrease the time to repair? or do they use extra resources per SCV?

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The amount required to repair doesn’t increase with more scvs. If that was true, repairing a PF during a fight would drain all minerals.

I like the suggestion, kinda like a shield battery for Terran. That would be intereting

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