pls don tke my job
no bully
I guess people that created Starcraft Lore and unit names at the begining (now they suck) were well versed in history, military history and mythology.
Thor, Valkirie came from Norse Mythology. Archon cames from Ancient Greece where the word meant “ruler”.
Templars were a Medieval Caste of Warrior Monks that fought in Palestine. One can write a thesis analysing all names on Starcraft.
They did a very good Job.
now we have adept, stalker for dragoon. Phoenix, cuz already had Fenix. His name, i did not get it until just this year, maybe last year, when i realized he died and came back. That was way over my head when i played SC as a kid. Well not way over my head, but a bit over. Skimmed the hairs on the top, maybe.
I don’t mind new zerg unit names, but they definitely lack the flavor of the SC lings and lisks.
Zealots and DTs will prioritize the PF over workers which mean yes, they do require micro.
They also don’t blow up mineral line instantly and require a lot of resources to do dmg to mineral line. Most of the time, they do not get out alive if they want to deal dmg to mineral line.
On the other hand… Widow mine is the opposite of what I mention above.
Phoenix i guess comes from Greek Mythology. It was a mythical bird that was said was able to come again to life from his ashes (after burning).
It fits perfectly with the lore in SC1 and SC2 when after Fenix death (the Hero) he was implanted in a Dragoon and brought back to life…
I know. Adult me gets that. Child me did not.
Mines can do damage sure, but with good guard around your edges and map control you can make t hem do very little damage. I suppose you are one of these sleepy low APMers who just clump probes in a ball when a mine is to hit them
Wow. Such insight.
Trap, Stats, Dear, and Zest need to read this asap and become enlightened!
amen brother either restrict their movement speed, reduce damage, or don’t make them hit air units!! its a mine not a turret. they spam them then send 15 into a base and borrow in killing a fully upgraded unit instantly. I had a match agenst two terrans with us being a terran and a Zerg. one guy only made mines. the other was standard units. guess what. we could not approach them. Please Fix!!
I love widowmines.
They make things go POP!
The cannon.
The cannon is what I thought as I read your post.
Although it doesn’t move, it is ranged, it is powerful (cannon rushing can get proto playar to GM), and it is early game item.
It can killiate early terran units swiftly including terran structurs. Widowmines can’t attack structures. PepeHands
Yes im sure the thread starter does it because of the pro players not to hide his own inability.
For pro level it doesnt change anything, Maru doesnt need Armory to make widow mines efficient, so that is like a lower level change where Protoss needs to L2P. How Protoss survived with WM being invisible at all times before those patches?
It is not a change anyone even cares about, I dont either, I can with without it/