Thebatz data cannot be trusted.
I repeat, his data cannot be trusted.
Take your meds, buddy.
You can look here:
Since february 2020 terran had only 1 period with win rate above 50% (50.28%) vs protoss, otherwise all win rates vs protoss and zerg are under 50… So terran win rates are total sh1t. Btw since october 2018, win rates are highly in favor of protoss!
I never trust clowns to begin with. I also never trust barcodes.
He is a trustworthy guy, trust me.
The Batz-Derangement-Syndrome is very real. “My” data is simply a dump of matches from Aligulac’s database for the year of 2020. That data-dump has already been published. Two people have already admitted to being unable to find any errors. You are free to try! The data is public!
Can’t find any errors, but still claim the data is faulty? That’s called LYING! Try being honest sometime, like this guy was: