Really tired of having to play on banned maps

Does the mark mean nothing? If I banned the damn map, then stop putting me on that farking map…how hard is this?

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Not gonna lie, I think I have had this happen exactly once. I don’t really ever have it happen at all.

I actually noticed it a few times already. As toss i dont want to play data c because of the wall, but guess what im getting every second match :frowning:

But overall i dont think its too bad and banning maps is rather a feature that you play on them less frequently.

Reading comprension comes into play here: it isn’t “banning” the map but putting a veto on it with the description:

" Vote against up to 3 maps. These maps will be selected less frequently while searching. "

It doesn’t state that you won’t run into them ever, just less frequently. One could argue that they shouldn’t put the description “veto” on it, but that’s about it.


Which is stupid.
Ever see players in a tournament play maps they veto?
Didn’t think so.

Veto works for me. What league are you? Maybe if there is no one to play against because you’ve vetoed each others maps it forces a match?

If you read the text carefully, it clearly states that those checkmarks are NOT vetos. They are just there to reduce the amount of times you play on the map.

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