Reached 1k Ascension Today

After 9 long years I’ve finally hit 1000. I thought it would take 10, ngl. I’m going to take a little step back and just do 1-2 games a day now. But I have to say I still love playing coop and would still play it even after maxing everything. Cheers to those who still play it to this day and hope some of SC2’s off-brand successors come up with an even better coop mode than what we have now.



I’ve also been playing since the start of Co-op, and just reached 800 today. While I haven’t been intending to reach max level, it’s definitely my most played game. It’s estimated that it would take 3,300 games or 1,100 hours to reach 800 with just one P0 commander.

The saddest part is I have more than that over two years of DotA :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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Congrats! I think it took me 4 to 5 years to get there. I made sure to play at least one game per day to get the First Win of the Day bonus, as that does add up. I figure I had 300 of those for any given year (so that’s an extra 15 Ascension levels).

When first got to lv1K, I took a big hiatus. It was actually nice since even though Coop didn’t eat up THAT much time, it was still nontrivial, and getting back that extra time was appreciated.

Nowadays, not so sure. If I have other things, and/or games, I may want to cut back on this as well. Down to a few games per week (so just the Mutations really). I’ve recently been picking this back up and doing quite a few Brutal+ games (you still get some really interesting combos. Most notably, L&L, laser drill, and mineral shields. The latter provides vision for the middle! :open_mouth: )

Same. Essentially because as I got closer, I started loooong grinds to get to 1000.

After the several month break, I thought it’d be fun to start over with no leveled commanders, no prestiges, no mastery, etc. So I logged onto EU and did.

However, I’m not going for all achievements, all prestiges, P1000, and all that stuff like I did on NA. This time it’s just for fun, casual play.


Heh… ditto. Yeah, it’s that sprint when you’re so close to the finish line.

For fun, I go to the EU server as well. I’ve already leveled up Karax to Mastery (no joke, for the 6th time no less!), and he’s currently at lv13. I wouldn’t mind going through mastery to lv90 again. It’s asinine, but having XP earned is a cheap way to motivate me at least. However, I realistically won’t have time to do this. And I’d prefer to do so with all of the COs available (in the past, it was with just Swann and Karax). However, getting all of them to mastery will take a while.

It’d be EVEN BETTER if I can go through mastery on prestige levels, but that’s another mountain to climb. While it would be a unique experience putting in mastery pts while on prestige, it may fall under the “the juice isn’t worth the squeeze”.

And I got plenty of other games I’d like to spend time on too. For one, wrap up the campaign missions in this game, but also Diablo 3 (already paid for, so why not?). And as always, plenty of others.

Agreed. I could just keep playing on NA, but not seeing any progress there has nudged me to EU where the progress bar still moves. Lol

Ever since ascension was introduced, I just made a personal decision that I’ll do at a minimum 1 level per day which is 4 brutal games. Sometimes I miss playing on weekends since coop is just a warmup before I play my main game. Now I’m enjoying my soft retirement with 1-2 games.


And today you may find yourself with your 3 base commanders at level 5 again lol.

Ahh, so it’s not just me. And it’s been going on for 2 days now! :open_mouth:

Congrats~ I’m personally still on only 1 server with max ascension and I’m in no hurry to max out all the servers since I feel like I’d get the same itch to stop playing co-op if I ever did that.