Re-Releasing Previous War Chest Augments and Emoticons for Purchase: A Suggestion

İ think they Should opens all sales for a short time like 1 week or mounth they should making a Donation Campaign.

Example: 10000 Euro/dollar on first start

İf october 15 update really no more paid purchase content why sales are still open?
İ dont what i should say but if that donation campaign happens i will not miss this time no matter what.
They was Made a donation campaign on Overwatch with Mercy skin called Pink Mercy skin they can made on Starcraft 2 dont they?
İ wish Leviatan see this words or reply


I’ve been periodically checking up on this thread, but like I said before, I have no influence or communication lines to the Bliz people/teams who would make decisions about this.


İ know but if they are attempting this donation campaign they didnt loss anything


Looks like no one care about this forum but close to 100 arguements


Hey dude, how’s it going?

Seems you’ve got more stuff than me, and that you’re missing only a few Augments to complete your combo. Hoping the sale(s) would take place, if so, sooner or later.


Your idea of a Donation Campaign does sound fine, but I wonder for what reason would they be making one in first place.

The October 15 Update clearly stated no more new paid contents will be released, but current ones will be available for sale as they always were, so there’s no sign of their removal from the in-game store.

I cannot tell anything about other Blizzard games, since it was StarCraft the only game I played from them, and one of the bunch of games I grew up with.


I have the feeling many people who don’t bother participating, despite this being a great addition for many players, is that they already got the Augments they needed, and they don’t feel like sharing their “ownership” with players who couldn’t get them. I’m guessing they also don’t participate because they let the thread fall down into oblivion as time passes, because, if they replied, they’d be participating, albeit not in a constructive manner, goes without saying.

Or maybe they just do not care at all, because they’re busy discussing the Competitive/Race-Balance, and that’s it.

From my part, I’ll keep on participating here until the thread reaches 1000 Views, so maybe some people will want to participate. That’s all I can do.


Perhaps if 1000 views and posts blizzard employers saw this forum. İ think


Thanks im fan of Nova and Alarak in starcraft universe. İ like their used skins and speeches but this isnt means i didint like other heroes. i love other heroes like Jim Raynor, Fenix, Tassadar , Zeratul and Artanis.But Nova and Alarak too special for me. And yes i was 3 piece of arguments right as i write before this arguments are Seat of the Highlord and Taldarim decal for protoss. Special Forces decal for terran


I can surely make work the thread up to 1000 views, but I really doubt it gets 1000 replies, because, even the most popular threads have an estimate of 200/300 replies max. Let’s just hope for like-minded people to participate.


I personally like the Primal Zerg and the Purifiers, but it’s preferable to me not to build any combos for both, since, most likely, they won’t get Building Skins at this point. Aside from that, I love the Dominion Special Forces, and Ghosts in general, so my favorite heroes are Sarah Kerrigan and Nova Terra. If no past Augments are released, I’d work my way until I unlock the Terran Dominion Decal. It won’t be easy, but it’s my backup effort to have a full-matching combo for Terrans.


since i have all items i purchased Blizzard should be gift other pieces or just open sales. Because i want Better starcraft 2 atmosphere and feeling better im not regret giving money but im regret missing warchest 4

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When customer support replied our forum first time i thought he has a connection of blizzard employers but it seems support wont help us and im getting doubt for i wanted 3 arguments that im already written much i really wish open all previous warchests 2.5 Dollar/Euro for each cosmetics or 10 Dollar/Euro for each warchest bundles (not with skins) if they make this sales open i will be appricated and other players too


I recently read a one-year-old post on Reddit very similar to this one, and one of the replier’s opinions was that the Augments which come with Unit/Building Skins were sort of a treat/unique opportunity for early buyers of War Chests, given for their early interest in those Skins. Later buyers, those who only aim for the Skins, do not get them precisely for that reason. Finally, he stated plenty of the Augments which aren’t currently unobtainable were most likely one-timers, just to make special.

I agree up to a certain point with what he stated, but I must differ with his statement of what are currently dead contents (yet still visible in-game, albeit unobtainable): Given the recent change in the strategy on how the game will be managed/treated from now on, the time for considering said Augments sort of gifts/traits for the dedicated fans and supporters is already over, since there’s no interest to release new contents. This could mean, and should mean, how now past contents will be regarded, as just mere items with potential to be sold permanently, so there’s a kind of a compensation for the lack of new contents’ earnings, plus, it’s way more practical, since the contents are already made, they’d just had to be re-sold.


Well, I only have hope on what I can do, and that is keep nourishing this thread, hopefully drawing interested players’ attention, so they can participate, and, eventually, reaching a decent amount of likes. But it seems only the old-timers are the ones who visit the forums, and since they, most likely, already got their Augments, they just refrain from commenting/liking, since that could mean the chance for non-dedicated players to have the same contents as them, and I do understand they don’t want that, but one should remember this is for a greater benefit, not just as a means of self-boasting.

Anyway… You mentioned earlier you have the Dominion Special Forces Skins, and since I’m interested in acquiring them, I wanted to ask you if when you purchased the Building Skins, you were given a Decal with the shape of a Terran Ghost’s head, since I could see it was sort of a “default” Decal if you purchased the Skins Packs. Is it so? That could mean I’d no longer need to unlock the Terran Dominion Decal, since that Decal would be better fitting for the Skins.


FOMO is unfortunately the cancer killing video games right now. Even Hearthstone is going to have a Battle Pass system with FOMO soon.

They go with these types of fun-killing reward systems because greedy corporations like Activision hire psychologists and researchers to study how to effectively manipulate your wallet. They fully understand that it drives OCD and perfectionist people crazy to not have time-exclusive rewards. The only way these systems will ever go away is if gamers reject the psychological manipulation and stop caring about FOMO.


Originally consoles also special feature to warchest buyers but later times opened to sales.

İ was buyed later all warchest skins later after expired because i didint earn Euro/Dollar until late 2019. İf i had earn euro/dollar before im buy warchest 4 instantly atleast for protoss i swear it but i didint have credit card before late 2019 :frowning:


What is meaning of this words by the way?


İm agree with that especially re opening sales but question is why are they still showing this contents?

  1. İ guess they soon open sales that cosmetics(emojis portraits banners sprays and decals)

  2. They want giving some pain to players who missed warchest

İf they are dont want giving pain they should open all previous warchest cosmetics right? Dont you agree?
Also there are many world of warcraft paid purchase stuff and all items can be obtainable but im not WoW player but my friend told me to this thing


Hey again Psychonaut, thanks for replying.

I couldn’t agree more with that you clearly stated, there’s some of sort of mental manipulation so one ends up with a false necessity for a limited-time reward. This just isn’t right to me, but sadly, many big companies are backed with corporal attorneys, and, most likely, hire those market psychologists to ensure they can get extra profit, by whatever means they see fit.

I personally would’ve preferred to have every content available for sale, permanently, like some games do (for example, Dota 2, IIRC). That’d still give the company revenues, but at least on a more morally correct way. Just my two cents.