Raynor vs. Mutations

And by Raynor, I mean Raynor P0. (Mostly personal preference.)

Now that the infinite mutation cycle has restarted, I’ve had to chance to play through most of the Weekly Mutations* so I thought I would make a mini-guide. Generally, mutations can be categorized as Bio or anti-Bio. The problem is that most mutations are anti-Bio, which is why Raynor fares poorly against most of them and why Raynor P1 is the worst prestige. So I’m going to ignore Bio because it’s mostly a matter of getting good.

*I skipped almost every Polarity or Vertigo mutation, and some of the Brutal +1s


  • Research Cost vs. Drop Pods – I prefer Drop Pods because I’m constantly replacing Marines and I find research less impactful against mutations.
  • Hyperion vs. Dusk Wings – I prefer a 20/10 mastery point split. Again, personal preference.
  • Medics Heal vs. Mech Attack – I prefer Mech Attack because most Marines don’t live long enough to benefit from healthcare and Medics heal Battlecruisers too slowly.

Army Composition:

  • Vultures – Raynor’s strongest asset and arguably the only thing keeping him out of F-tier. Raynor doesn’t have wave clear like some other commanders, so the ability to spawn camp waves is invaluable. Another reason why Raynor P1 is :poop:.
  • Siege Tank – useful for defense and against Avenger, Diffusion, and Fatal Attraction. Some guides recommended supplementing with Vikings but I’ve found that that hurts both your ground and air DPS, and it’s more useful to supplement with Bio or Missile Turrets as needed.
  • Vikings – useful for sniping objectives (e.g. Void Shards and Shuttles). Avoid fighting head-on.
  • Banshees – useless. I only ever used it once on Dead of Night.
  • Battlecruisers – these will form the core of your army more often than not, especially against any attrition mutation.
  • Missile Turrets – Raynor’s best anti-air option. Highly cost-effective and durable, but unfortunately it suffers from poor mobility. Use whenever possible.
  • Supply Depots – good for walling in emergencies on Dead of Night and Miner Evacuation. Research Building Armour.

Hardest Weekly Mutations:

  • Cold is the Void – Blizzard, Void Rifts, and Void Reanimators. This is the only one I could not complete, but I watched Lil’Arrin beat it on YouTube so I’m counting it as a win.
  • Aggressive Recruitment – Speed Freaks, Propagators, and We Move Unseen. Spider Minesss.
  • Hardware Malfunction – Kill Bots, Laser Drill, and Minesweeper. Roll for a Stukov ally.

Hardest Mutations:

  • Minesweeper – virtually no counter except waiting for Hyperion to come off cooldown.
  • Avengers – high armour hurts Bio and Battlecruisers. Counter with Spider Mines and Siege Tanks, otherwise prepare the Marine Meat Grinder.
  • Slim Pickings – anti-Bio and anti-Spider Mine. Micro your Battlecruisers.

I’ll be honest, I relied on carries for most mutations because Raynor is not a strong pick. I thought it was fun though because you’re forced to explore your options. Anyways, let me know what you think.