Raynor Prestige 2 views

As I’ve finished my latest round of getting prestiges I’m interested in (probably gonna mess around with stetman zag prestieges, or getting p2&3 for nova, maybe aba P3.

I’ve started messing around with playing with some of my collected prestiges again.

In that Ive been playing Raynor recently. Generally it’s not too much of a controversy for people to say that P1 is a nerf that lowers the skill floor compared to P0, and that P2 is pretty much a buff compared to P0 (I personally remeber the days of double mule so I played before Raynor got gas discounts anyways) and P3 can somehow be played Bio or Mech because OC is busted.

But I’m curious how everyone else is playing P2 in specific because I as a low skill player, who somehow finds pressing tab to siege tanks and then stim them ‘hard’ like going marine medic tank viking banshee. But do others find it worth it? What sort of builds do the rest of you use? I use it because I find the concept of stim Mech fascinating and seeing siege tanks fire at hyper speed flatten everything on the ground in seconds nice.

2 more random thoughts.
Would instant build bunkers for Raynor be too much. He’s already close to being the hunker down and hold the line commander, when he’s not cosplaying as mengks at least.

Where are his drop pods coming from while the Hyperion is on the field, the campaign semi suggests it’s the Hyperion deploying drop pods, is it a different BC, are the drop pods falling for so long that the Hyperion can tac jump onto the field and they are still falling, or is it deploying them while on the field, just now shown because why would they do that.

Edit: correcting typos.


The drop pods come from a second prison ship that follows the Hyperion at all times. It’s where Raynor gets all of his slaves cannon fodder conscripts volunteers to send into battle.

P1 seems plenty strong just a bit predictable. Any comps that it struggles with I found can be overcome by mixing in some firebats (who end up with almost 500hp).

P2 just seems like it missed the mark. If I want to micro tanks I will play Swann. If I want Raynor air I will play P3. If I want bio I will play P1 (which is finally the beginner friendly commander that Raynor promised to be).

I’ll definitely keep my eyes out for anyone playing Raynor P2 and see how they manage their build (I don’t think I’ve played with a single one).

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I’m not too sure on this one myself, and I tried for a little bit. As far as I can tell, you mostly play it as P0 bio with lite armor support. You can’t really spam out vehicles due to the gas costs. From there, you use your smaller mechanized force to “stim” up and hit above their weight class. After the engagement, use the medics that are in your bio army to heal your mech force back up for the next engagement.

Of course, sieged up tanks really don’t need a stim in the first place to wipe out waves, and you could have had a few extra tanks without the mastery.

And your now gas limited air force has now taken some damage before charging in. Short of using vikings to quickly clear the skies, the other air options aren’t the best.

And if you DO try to go pure mech, and can squeeze every little bit out of the higher gas costing units; you then don’t have enough gas for medics to constantly keep them healed from the constant stim damage. I’m… Just not so sure on this one.

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It’s for a Mixed build.

Build out a force of Marines and Medics; then supplement it with either Tanks, Banshees, or Vikings depending on map and enemy comp.

Tanks are obvious. Vikings have 12 air range, Banshees have 9 when cloaked. Marines have range 5, you use them and Raynor’s normal raining men strategy to prevent your air from taking hits. Played well they shouldn’t be taking much damage at all.

If the interest is there I could see about digging up some replays of myself using them.

Yeah I’d have to agree that P2 doesn’t shine enough.

A mixed bio/Mech is available to not just P2. The selling point is the stim-Mech, which only really applies to Tanks and Vultures. For Vikings, they splash and over kill, same with banshee, and BCs reach some attack cap.

So tanks shine best when you siege, which makes the stim very awkward to function smoothly. Vultures deal far more damage by placing even a few mines, so stim-attacking using them is also more wasteful than helpful.

I’ve tried P2 multiple times before, you just end up with some mech mixed in. That kind of play isn’t unique to P2. Although admittedly the tatatata tanks look fun, but that’s about it lol.

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Don’t think too much about this, just let it flow.

P1 DPS is a little lower than P0 / P2 because you are not using the drop pod attack speed mastery as much. P1 is pretty solid prestige, not great but not bad either.

I play bio / mech with P2. Siege tanks / bio or banshees / bio against ground comp. Vikings / bio against air comp. Bio because you will be floating a lot of mineral, I use them for mineral dump for marines.

Vikings are one of the few units that have aoe air attacks and their attack speed is quite fast when u stim.

Only time I think P0 is better than P2 is when you need after burner speed to move your vultures from one enemy spawn to another enemy spawn. Like in Mist, last bots, you can spawn camp all spawns with just using vulture mines.

Yup you F2, bio stim and tab again to after burner your mechs. You don’t have to do it often, that one after burner stim will erase the enemy wave.

This is why Raynor P2 is one of mine favorites.

Basically, in my opinion, it boils down to the fact that while yes there isn’t a huge improvement to Raynor using P2 over P0. The decrease in performance pretty much doesn’t exist either, Bio is exactly the same as P0. Same goes for Vultures, you can use Spider Mines in the exact same way as P0.

Instead you get a marked increase in dps for your mech, to the point where you don’t lose dps adding them in the army over Marines. For P0, you often lose army performance by adding them, you kill things slower over just adding more Marines.

Though I do think the overkill issue is less than people make it out to be for Vikings and Banshees. They’ve both got splash so anything that enters the area after the original target dies gets hit for 100% of the damage instead. Given air units stacking up, and ground attack waves tendency of being too big for the area they’re trying to attack into, there’s less missed shots than you’d think.

Battlecruisers though, yeahhh the only reason P2 doesn’t have the worst ones there is cause P1 exists.