Raynor on Oblivion express with diffusion

Hello dear commanders! Even after 8000+ Starcraft 2 won’t stop surprising me. As of today’s case we have Raynor and Dehaka “trying” to unintentionally the game. So fast forward I am playing P1 Raynor and my mate is Playing some Dehaka i can’t recall. So in a Brutal+ random game we get Oblivion express with Diffusion (Yea blizzard pls stop getting me diffusion on trains everytime i play P1 Raynor i know its hardcoded), nothing special is happening until we reach the 3rd train where I already amass 160supply just stim on the train. So after we start fighting the train several things happen: 1st: My units are yes inside the train and are stim fighting it at some point the came just lagged i mean like real lagged not like mass units + last train 1fps lag. After a brief moment we out-lagged and i asked my teammate did he experience the same thing as he agreed and didnt know what happen. ( the train just died without us being able to do anything. Not really sure if in the replay will be shown). As we proceeded i decided that i really need to record that so on the next train as video shown u can see me inside the train stiming and my dehaka teammate having ultralisks that return dmg. First video .I think what did happen two minutes ago was he having the same thing and on a missclick leaving the game. The game feels like cant handle diffusion+ultralisks on so many units at once and just as it tries to catch up it lags the players and just crashes at some point as it was shown on my second video second video . The game just…dunno probably timed me out for some reason no matter the fact i was already alone in it. So in a conclusion for me i think diffusion needs to be removed from being a thing while raynor alone or with dehaka is on a train map as the game struggles to proccess every unit with dmg taken and dmg healed from two sources (medics/dehaka), let alone ultralisks spitting spikes everytime my 60 units-stimmed-army hit the train and they try to spike it all.

I guess thats job well done again…! Cheers commanders!

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