Raynor is seriously underpowered

every time i play raynor i lose. raynor is nerfed into the ground. his units is weaker than anybody else`s units.

lol, you cant nerf something that hasnt changed in almost 15 years.


clearly you aren’t building enough marines son. Marines are the core of your army. its marines+medics+counter units+infinity money income from mules and you will cruise through any non mutation with ease.

for example if the enemy composition uses ling bane heavy. you can mix in firebats, siegetanks, and spider mines. any air heavy composition gets trashed by viking marine medic.

Raynor is plenty strong he just needs good macro and proper army compositions to work well and he has plenty of micro potential since his core army is infantry things like stutter stepping and pre splits can help you out a lot. He can be a little weaker in mutations though as his army is fragile and very vulnerable to area of effect.


not to mention hes the easiest commander to use in coop. thats why hes a starter commander. if you cant figure out how to play with raynor, and win, you probably might as well give up on coop all together.

No that would be Zeratul. Raynor is the Easiest for a ladder player to transition into coop with probably but Zeratul is just so noob friendly with his complete lack of any base construction or the need to spend money on anything other than his army and starts the game with max supply, free map fully revealed, and free auto gas on his bases plus multiple oh crap buttons with his avatars, supression crystal and legion calldown on top of having an extremely powerful army that can pretty much all A move and win since with the exception of DT blink and the Shieldguards reflective shield is all fully automated with their abilities.


I haven’t played Raynor much since the Prestige system came out. (I played just enough to unlock them all.) But pre-prestige, he wasn’t weak at all. And I assume that he’s even better with the prestige choices(?).

MMM balls with reinforcements deployed onto the field counter virtually everything.

I have to agree with the others. You may need to learn/practice before writting him off.

zeratul isnt a starter unit and needs to be paid for, other wise you might be right about that. but since its not then no, its not the easiest unit, as most people dont have acsess to him

The tag that says “For beginners” is just a psychological trick to make people feel better about starting with the 3 free starter commanders, since they are the only ones that have that tag.

The 3 easiest to play commanders are Stukov, Tychus, and Zeratul, but none of them have the “for beginners” tag.

Raynor’s decent, I would put him in the top half of commanders on general power level, due to the combination of MULEs and Orbital Drops. Kerrigan and Artanis though I would stick in the bottom half. Kerrigan is rather more difficult to play than is justified for her midling power level, and works very differently from ladder zerg so definitely not a commander for beginners. But at least the Omega Worms are cool. Artanis, finally, just kinda sucks due to bad army composition.


ok so the only problem with stukov tychus and zeratul tho is the fact that, oh i dont know… you have to pay for them. Again not everyone has access to them. they only have access to the first 3 and out of the first three raynor is the easiest. Now if you didnt have to pay for the rest of the commanders, sure then you are absolutely right.


For those of you who think he’s easy, you clearly haven’t tried enough Brutations with him. On regular Brutal, he’s one of the stronger ones due to his DPS and you can A-click your way through most missions.

The thing with Raynor is you need to spam mules. If you want to get used to that, then limit yourself to one Supply Depot and have the rest of your supply come from Orbitals. That’s what I mean by spamming mules.

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ok what prestige are you using on Raynor? P1 P2 or P3 or neither?

Yeah raynors always been a glass cannon, he actually has one of the highest paper raw dps’s in the game, think with like 150 stimmed marines you could reach like 2000 raw dps while tych though a powerhouse has like a raw team dps of like 200-400. But like enough sustain that he can push without taking losses as long as the player isn’t f2a no heal moving to death.

Raynor does require raynor specific / MMM specific micro though, you have to move troops out of storms, minimalize splash from siege tanks / shard aoes.

That said, some of his optimum play is literally spamming mules and marines to the slaughter. There’s a joke that for a idealist, Raynor probably sends more men to die than a tyrant lol.

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I don’t think Raynor is underpowered, but he is certainly harder than other commanders for some mutations.

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his siege tanks is weaker than other commanders`s siege tanks. it does only 50 damage in siege mode. he have the weakest battle cruisers too.

Raynor and Swann have mostly sissy units. If you want human units with some strunk, buy nova. On top of all her units being elite; they become damn near unkillable with her cheap shield drones. This is with free food and automated refineries. I love nova.


Agreed. Often these are the two-barracks-at-most types who don’t max out their expansion.

bro probably couldn’t level Raynor enough because he got “leaver penalty”. :joy:

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why would u say that he didn’t even mention it so don’t make assumptions like that

check his other post, especially about “leaver penalty”. maybe you should do your homework before you talk there anthros.


OMG! I haven’t been active on the forums for over 3 years, but I still remember this guy, telling tales about weak commanders, leaving penalties and generally bad game, that is specifically designed so that he could be bad at it.
A bit surprised that he hasn’t changed one iota, one may think that 3 years are enough to learn something about the game or life in general. But ok, let Raynor be weak again with his unlimited mineral income, crazy MMM dps and instant reinforcements.