Rate My Protoss Suggestions Vs The Balance Councils

Under the assumption that the shield battery removal goes through too and energy overcharge is in instead.


  1. Damage +1 versus light
  2. Range increased to 6 (avoids the cutie front lining.)
  3. Forcefield, only a single one is destroyed by a single ravager bile.


Zealot Charge is split into two upgrades Speed and Charge

  1. Speed upgrade purchasable on the cybercore, Increases Zealot movement from 3.15 to 4.725 (current passive increase), costs 50/50, build time 160s (Long build time and competes with warpgate)
  2. Charge upgrade- Temporarily increases the movement speed by 5.67 (Current value) allowing Zealots to intercept nearby enemies and guaranteeing the Zealot will strike the enemy. costs 50/50, build time 100s, researched on the twilight council with the pre-requisite of having Zealot legs.


  1. Attack speed increase attack speed by 45% (Current upgrade value)
  2. Reduce damage to 10+4 damage to light
  3. Twilight council upgrade changed to +8 damage to Light (Brings adept damage back to current value instead of the 45% attack speed (Adept post upgrade is the same)


  1. Cost decrease from 250/150 to 200/125
  2. Damage: From 6 to 4 against light and from 7 to 5 against armoured
  3. Prismatic alignment: Change ability from an activatable ability to targetable ability, reduce cooldown to 28s from 42s and reduce active time from 12s to 6s. (This will mean you have to select target to activate and will deactivate when pulled away from the target),
  4. Flux veins when you have Flux vein the Voidray will get the 0.798 speed and 0.962 acceleration buff instead of being reduced to 2.98 (2.98 is the current speed the voidray goes to with and without Flux veins.)

Warp prism/Observer

  • Gravitic Drive/Gravitic Boosters - Combine Obs Speed and Warp prism speed keeping the same costs and build time at 57s and 100/100.


  • Storm cost reduced from 200/200 to 100/100

Which set of changes would make you more excited and want to try out the game more?

(Balance council feel free to steal all suggestions.)

The Zealot needs some late game upgrade, they are basically moving sandbags.

Most of Protoss units are very slow, there is no real micro potential to play with.

Legs should increase and prevent Zealots from decreasing their speed while affected by Concussive shells or fungal, when those skills land on zealots they become basically useless having in consideration their cost, each is 100 minerals.

Maybe add a late game attack speed upgrade or a very minor area dmg.

I don’t get this one, can you expand what you mean? Does this mean if, for example, 5 forcefields are put down, only one can be destroyed? Because I for one, absolutely do not want the soul train to come back, it was horrible to play against, and horrible to watch.

Voidray would be awful with these changes. That damage nerf is crippling, even with the cost buff. They’d need their supply cost reduced to be even remotely viable, and even then would still be worse than they are now.
2. Note that voids attack every 0.5s, so -2/4 damage is -4/8 DPS (from 12/26 to 8/18). Voidray DPS vs light is already quite weak for the cost/supply, and they lose a lot of DPS to base armor/upgrades even vs armored units.
3. This would make the ability basically unusable without rapid fire. Voids already lose to corruptors without it on even supply (and only barely beat them with it), with the damage nerf, they won’t beat corruptors even with it regardless.
Voids are already a generally bad unit that sees almost no play; if anything, they need buffs, not nerfs.

As for the rest:
Sentry - sure.
Adept - eh, I’d rather glaive upgrade just do something else at that point, like +1 range and so they can actually be useful later in the game. The base change of faster attack interval/less per hit damage vs light is probably fine, though numbers might be better at something like 11/16 or 12/19 with a longer interval. It would definitely need some testing.
Zealot charge upgrade split - Might be a nerf. It’s probably too long for the speed upgrade to kick in when it’s already competing with warpgate by being on the cybercore. This makes fastest possible charge timing come quite a bit later than blink (assuming warpgate first), though zealot speed + blink might more than compensate regardless.
Combining Prism/Obs speed - sure.

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I like this change, I think one of the Main Issues Protoss have is map vision and mobility.

  • I would propose to grant the reveal skill from the oracle, to the observer too.
    That would be nice.
  • And Increase the armor & load capacity for the Warp Prism, they are so easily killed, and Protoss hardly uses them to move around constantly, as they lack of that mobility and 1 single warp prism can just load 4 zealots, while their cost is huge.

Zerg has complete map vision with creep Overlords, Overseers, Changelings, Terran has Scans and Sensor Towers.

What does Protoss have? A weak observer, that was nerfed because other races “struggle” to kill it. (No joke, that was the justification in the past patch notes)
And the Oracle, that uses energy, and is easily killed.

While Overseers have a lot of HP, Changelings are literally spies that cant be killed unless you select them manually, creep toumors are invisible and have a long creep spread radius, its basically a guaranteed full map control

And Scans are just inevitable, theres no way you can deny it, the sensor tower has a huge range, so its a guaranteed map vision.

No need to nerf the Zealot by making charge happen even later. It’s already arguably a little underpowered.