Ranked placement bug

I´m begginer player, who just started playing SC2 not even month ago. Just finished my placements in 1v1 ranked game. After 6 games total (3W-3L) my MMR shows to be around 2300 wich might be silver 1 I suppose? Instead in my profile it says im rank 29 in Master 3.
Seen some kind of similar bugs were reported 2-3 years ago, is it still not fixed or Im missing something?

no its not fixed but do not worry its just that border around your pick ingame. thats all your mmr is still bronze league and you will be facing games against bronze or silver or gold as match making goes against mmr not the border. dont worry yo wont face no masters, just more noobs like yourself, unless you play team games, then they just throw anyone together now adays.

Well, thanks for the explanation. I’m not really worried about facing players with different MMR; it seems to be working fine. My main concern is appealing for a fix from Blizzard. After 15 years, the game is still alive, but the same issues that were reported three years ago are still present. I can imagine many people feeling frustrated. :smiley:

its the state of the game. its 13 years old, theres far worse things right now going on than worrying about border bugs. right now the game is being balanced by pros who have a real big problem with conflict of interest, which made the last few patchs terrible. and this is because the game is out of developemnt for about 2019. the only thing keeping this game alive right now is the fact that people still play it, and it makes money in pro tourneys, which might be ending pretty soon. considering it hasnt been announced for esl