Rank visual issue

I lost a game as zerg and last season i was bronze and now it shows me as mater rank. I am still bronze in mmr but my rank emblem is master.


same here, im also at best a bronze player in Starcraft as protoss, but i am apparently now a top 4% player XD im not complaining though o.o

I just passed the masters threshold (4360 mmr) last night after months of work and did not get promoted. Still showing up as D1. Very frustrating to earn a promotion and not receive it…

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Same here! Just reached to Master MMR level which is 4332 and I didn’t get the promotion and banner. I’m at 4344 right now. FIX THIS ASAP THIS IS BAD FOR THE GAME.!!!

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A well known bug that blizz does not care about it seems because it has been multiple years.