Average win-rates / games played per race per league: https://burnysc2.github.io/MMR-Ranges/
Zergs have consistently lower win-rates in GM/Masters across the planet & play the fewest games in those leagues as well (a sign that zerg players aren’t as active as P/T).
Elo analysis of pro scene: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/sc2/t/ramsey-theory-a-crash-course-on-garbo-forum-arguments/19315/65
This computes the expected win-rate between for PvZ and ZvP given equal skill and finds it matches the actual ladder data.
Zerg representation in GM/Master/Diamond/etc is highly correlated with Protoss. Zergs are being funnelled from higher leagues to lower leagues and the reverse is true for Protoss.
Zerg is the least common race in GM and Protoss the most, Zerg is the least common race in Masters and Protoss is quickly overtaking Terran’s lead in Masters.
Out of cheese (that is bad for the game-design), the Void is still the same garbage in mid-late-game.
They buffed the less relevant aspects of the unit and ignored the real problems with Void.
As long as the rules apply equally (they do), that game will forever be balanced no matter what rules one invents.
That can be achieved by (an random example) redesigning the Carrier that with the current level of micro has 70% of the DPS, and with a micro capable from 6800-7400MMR players do 150% damage of the current Carrier.
Also, nerff protoss cheese but increase the reliability and scaleability of all units. Less wins in 1v1 (Ladder) but more wins in long-macro games and BO(X)…
Protoss reliance (due to design) in cheese has a big toll in BOX which are the way Tournaments are played.
The winrates are interesting. Zerg is slightly lower but ladder is designed to be 50% so I think this is a lot more significant than it looks. The changes in masters/GM is still the biggest indicator to me but the issue is I don’t know what the end goal is. You’re never going to get balanced representation in every league because different races are popular at different levels.
I’d like to see how the average mmr for each race has changed over the last few patches. I think you would see some major swings between Protoss and Zerg.
Rule changes lead to advantages and disadvantages for different types of players and styles. This is a change in the balance of the game. Small ball teams, perimeter players, shooters, and off ball movement have inherent advantages compared to big lineup teams, post players, and isolation play…and these are due to rule changes - rules “buffed” perimeter players, small ball, etc. and nerfed post play etc
You’re still missing the essence of what I was saying anyway - just because a bunch of outliers that, as a sample size, are statistically insignificant compared to the general population, exists, doesnt mean you change the features of the game based on them. while ignoring the rest of the population.
Yeah but what percentages are considered balanced? Protoss took significant leads in masters and GM but Zerg is still the most represented in diamond even after Protoss closed the gap a bit. 33% in each league is impossible so I really don’t know what balanced would look like.