Question about swarmhost vs p

Hey friends!
small question…
lately i saw games in gsl and other tournaments that scarlett and rouge used swarmhosts vs p that opened with oracle… do you think that this strategy will work also vs pure gateways + robos (if executed right of-course) or its fits specifically against air opener?

I think it will generally fit if the P is more turtl-ish and doesn’t move out that often to poke. Basically, as long as you get to use the swarm host to keep them in base rather than walking over to disturb you, it has done its job (since Z is tops in macro-ing).

Just a personal take, I think that they do this because the P will likely not have many gateway units since they tech-ed to air. If it were pure gateways and robos I might be a tad big hesitant considering that a stalker zealot army can easily just cross the map while the locusts are on CD and suddenly your army size is 1/2 of theirs (cause your other 1/2 is in swarm).

If you are able to maintain a slightly smaller army of roaches and lings (and leverage off defender’s advantage) then perhaps it is also possible to swarm against a gateway robo tech P.

Not sure if that answers your question.

Swarm bros are very good vs protoss, including vs robo/gateway openers. This is because they’re very cheap, only requiring infestation pit, no upgrades, and costing 100/75. What’s important is making sure you can survive so you can continuosly generate value from your swarm bros, which should be done with some combination of your tier 1 units.

Some general tips from my own experience:

  • do not be afraid to morph a lot of brovagers, especially vs immortal heavy play.
  • brocusts do exceptional dps, 2 brocusts beat a broach, 4 beat an immortal
  • attack > armour upgrades
  • for anti-air, it may be tempting to go brodralisks, but 90% of the time brorruptors will work out better (eg: phoenix, bc, medivac)
  • don’t tunnel vision into swarm bros, a lot of times you can just end the game with mass broach brovager after defending whatever hellion/adept timing they throw at you

Swarm hosts work well at the start, but they turn to garbage once Storm finishes.

Toss air requires critical mass ( so there is a timer to move out) to be able to fight Zerg, otherwIse just hydra can easily beat it. SH is just good against toss. There is no ground toss army can trade well against SH, even with Colossus and HT, toss will still lose money. While Toss is trying to get ultimate Air composition, Zerg has already trade well with Protoss and lead in bases and economy. Basically with multiple Nydus worm on the map, toss can never defend multiple locations with gateway units. In conclusion, SH winrate against P is above 70%( in pro scene). That is why Scarlett and Rogue play SH as they will win.