Put the Marauder attack back to 2x instead of 1

No reason why this crap should be around, it’s baised nonsense that was in response to the Ultra who had super armor.

Put it back you bloody biased Terran balance council losers.

This stuff is the sneaky Terran bullcrap that everyone keeps letting off. It’s tiny little things that seem OK but aren’t.

Terran council is malicious.

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what are you talking about, they didnt touch marauder in the patch, let alone in the last few.


This guy DankTemplar has severe mental issues. I also have no clue what he’s talking about. Marauder 2x missile attack was reverted eons ago. Probably he lost to some terran who spammed marauders and that alone enraged him.
I hope the guy who beat him was a smurf 3x his skill and MMR - so now i can sing his tune- "Stop crying. Improve, gitgud and bash those smurfs.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


It was absolutely garbage when it was 2 attacks. Marauder is fine.


yeah, do that. Cant wait to see a terran nerf

Just letting all of you know before taking him seriously, Dank Templar thought it was a great idea to give carriers +2 range back in Heart of the swarm when Protoss is overpowered.

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No it wasn’t. This is Terran bias and you damned well know it lol.

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That was 6+ years ago. Grow up. Or don’t. You’re getting flagged.

P.S. that was leash range that I mentioned back there so you’re also straight up lying.

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Marauders have had a single 10 +10 vs. armored projectile for most of SC2, and that was fine.

We tried the 2x attack Marauder in the past, and it was nearly useless.


It was perfectly fine except for 2 units back then: vs the Ultralisk and Immortal. Both of those units have been heavily nerfed since early LOTV when the attacks were combined into one.

I do not believe there’s any actual reason to keep it as 1 attack instead of 2 because the entire reason that happened was slowly removed over time while the buff stayed.

That’s the sneaky stuff that the council tends to do, they let old buffs stay live while nerfing the reason why that buff exists in the 1st place. This isn’t the 1st time it’s happened either and it’s always seemingly in favor of Terrans.

That’s not on us players but there’s some malicious, nasty stuff going on in that council that enables this kind of stuff. We need a real Blizzard employee, not pros who compete for $ making balance changes.

The conflict of interest is negligent and obtuse and the balance council either doesn’t care about or doesn’t think of the buffs that happen in relation to why they happened.


The Ultralisk’s armor is still far too high for a 2 shot Marauder to be effective. That case alone would be a 25% to 37% nerf, and that is not the only problematic case either.

1 attack is effective and has been effective for virtually all of SC2’s history. 2x attacks are ineffective. That is more than enough of a reason to keep the Marauder on a single attack.


I don’t know how you could screw this up so badly, it’s typed right in front of you and that’s a pet peeve of mine. :confused:

I explicitly said

Big, big difference and you should know better.

A Marauder does counter armored, how well it counters it is what matters here in relation to it’s cost and tech level, compared to the cost and tech level or whatever it’s countering.

You can’t have super Marauders that blow the crap out of T3 units because due to how cheap and massable the Marauder is, the T3 unit in question becomes useless in the matchup. That’s not a healthy interaction and is a sign that either the T3 unit sucks or the Marauder is overpowered in that relationship.

This applies to every unit. If a unit performs it’s role too well it causes grief. I mean the Liberator is the poster child for this since it’s the most nerfed unit in all of StarCraft history due to it.

The Immortal is another example, hardened shield did it’s job too well and it caused problems.

So no, you do not want a 100/25 2 pop unit that can be created at the rax beating Ultralisks too handily because that creates severe design problems where units don’t do their job anymore.

Or maybe you do but I think if you do want that then you’re not interested in balance or design, you’re just interested in wins.

But the entire reason why the Marauder needs a nerf isn’t because of TvZ. The problem with TvZ is ghosts. That’s it.

It’s TvP, where to hold Marauder cheeses, especially when coupled with things like cyclones, the Protoss has to gimp themselves economically to an insane degree to even have a chance to play the mid game.

Reason why? Because the only 2 units that aren’t armored that are produceable fast enough are the Zealot and Adept. The Adept is bad vs armored units with high hp. Super bad. And concussive shell breaks the interaction between Marauder and Zealot.

Something’s gotta give.


While I’m generally of the opinion that the marauder/roach/stalker rock paper scissors dynamic is responsible for like 80% of the design problems of the game over its lifetime, we’re in way too deep now to just delete the marauder from relevancy. There isn’t any good reason to make this change, it just arbitrarily makes the marauder worse because you don’t like it.


They don’t lose their +armor tag, they’re not more expensive and they still have concussive shell. Why wouldn’t they still be relevant?

Marauder cheeses in TvP are a problem. This isn’t just because I don’t like them (I do like them, I just don’t like how we’re not revisiting previous buffs when the reason for the buff doesn’t exist anymore).

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Because armored units tend to have armor, which means this is in a large majority of cases a direct damage nerf against units theyre meant to do well against, but also against units like zealots, which do not have the armored tag but do also have some native armor. It also means that an upgrade disadvantage scales against them harder.


That’s a good thing, in TvP Marauder cheeses are a pretty significant issue. If they’re anti armor then why are they dealing with light units as well as they do? Something’s gotta give.

Marauder cost and tech level matters in relation to the armored units its supposed to counter. They don’t become useless because they all of a sudden deal 2-4 less damage per shot. It means you just need a few more and they become weaker in smaller numbers, which is where Marauder cheeses are directly and rightfully impacted.


Why? Being available early game does not mean they are obligated to be a bad unit that should be entirely phased out.


Why would they be bad if they don’t counter 3/4 of the units in the 1st 3 minutes of the game?

And why would you completely phase them out if you still have a need for them? This is a bad faith argument you’re putting forward that leans on extreme hyperbole.

Respect my time more than that please.

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You phase them out because they don’t do the job you need them to anymore. Thats how strategy works. You can’t just say “well make a dozen more marauders” as if thats not a significant investment of time, resources, supply and the DPS density that bio relies on to survive. There’s a reason that direct damage nerfs are quite rare to deal with cheese.


Within context, specifically of the Ultralisk. And it’s not that they’re bad or you don’t need them, it’s that you have better answers to the Ultralisk already which makes it a moot point.

If you can make 30 Marauders to kill a bunch of Ultralisks you can make 10 Libs or 15 Ghosts to do the exact same thing and have better units to support the rest of your army to boot.

So arguing that Marauders are needed to counter Ultralisks is a stupid argument, one that you never put forward but you are referencing nonetheless.