Protosses were m*l*s*e*

Literally there is no other explanation for why someone would need that much power over another person they pick protoss and play abusive and/or BM.

Congratulations blizzard, for adding something into the game that no other game will ever have, AKA a crutch race that has every conceivable advantage in every matchup except PvP. Instead of being used as a crutch tho, because it’s units require the most basic micro and it’s builds require only basic brain functions, and all of it’s units are overpowered but require 300 APM to begin to fight, it’s used by psychopaths who have succeeded in nothing outside of SC2 using the crutch to ruin the game completely.

Even in MOBA games, imagine something so overpowered that in a 1v1 scenario a GM will lose to a 3.6K. Nothing compares to it. (supernova lost to a 3.6K toss in a macro game)


Terran has no room to say all none rts features.

Unblockable scouts, instant button get out of being pop block.

All defensive mechanis that blizzard gave is to compensate for blizzard build path.

If stream line thier build give same path as Terran removing building. Then all thier defensive mechanics wouldn’t need to there.

250 minerals, 250 minerals.

And the race least capable of taking advantage thereof (Terran is a momentum race, you have to attack).

What language are you trying to speak here?

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