Protoss will never win a GSL again

You can look at it another way, because you have to be careful when intertwining math with dates.

2017, 2018, 2019, 2020. That is four complete years. 2021 is the fifth year.

Protoss do not deserve to win for no brainers like ones here that defend it, and always pretend their race doesnt have retarded gimmicks, sorry for cool guys I actually like such as Rdam or Harstem… but to me this race can f off

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Well he was right in having the foresight that Protoss will experience a drought in premiers. Well the July 19’ nerfs was meant for TvP, while it made P weaker in TvP it made ZvP from 40:60 to being massively Zerg favored to being 20:80. Remember the atrocious winrates we saw from Aug 19- Dec 19 for ZvP ? Made even worse with the chargelot nerf where P looked so hopeless against Zerg earlier last year ? I mean it was comically hilarious on how poorly Protoss performed against Zerg before the buff patches. I can get why P is hated but its mostly physiological, Zergs hate the Tempest in late game but literally do almost no DPS to the sky Zerg army. T hates the disruptors calling it a no-skill unit even though you need to micro the disruption balls. The bias against Protoss was ridiculous in the past and I felt P has fallen victim to the many nerfs it got.

Its only recently that People realized hey Protoss is awful and then Blizzard buffed it for once since 2017. Every single patch before the may 2020 patch were nerfs to Protoss it’s unbelievable.