If the archon gets nerfed I’m gonna be done.
Pheonix probably won’t because it mostly seen in pvp matchups
DT’s are only good if there isn’t any detectors
If the archon gets nerfed I’m gonna be done.
Pheonix probably won’t because it mostly seen in pvp matchups
DT’s are only good if there isn’t any detectors
Stf u protoss is 40% gm, problem is they are addressing symptoms and not problems, problems is massive econ advantage from faster natural and than faster third, with no risk. Stim buff will make terran only all in more, because in macrogame is still unbeatable. No expert on pvz againt zerg protoss may have slight problems. Because realying on chargelots, immortal , archon compositions… OTherwise pick up range probably won’t hurt protoss that much in tvz, or recall, which is disgustignly op, you can commit units with no risk. Last season pvt 54 pvz 49.6%. Protoss still leading in gm 36, z 32, t29… i honestly think that they should balance all matches individually, it would be easier to balance, it wouldn’t be to confusing, hardcore players and pros know game like their shoes and for lower league, could have been balanced changes global to make it easier for them to learn, even turn automatic chronoboost inject and mule from bronze to gold league e.g.
Ha ha ha ha ha …
PvT is Zerg favored.
Goba. TM.
FunnyMonk strikes again.
I do like his idea of balancing all matches individually though. After each game on a best of 5, 7, whatever, you stop and apply a balance patch. That would really make for a fantastic viewing experience.
Exactly. Classic is the only Protoss player who has the balls and the micro to attack into those kinds of lines. Any other Protoss player would have seen that and ran for their lives. We have never seen another Protoss player able to succeed in attacking that kind of line.
On top of that all Inno’s units clumped up on the storms which softned the whole army so much. If you sit in storms that is kind of what is called A MOVING.
Did they say when they will release the changes?
The changes are not final. Final changes will be implemented in august but seeing the players in pro tour balance out there may not be too many changes.
I seriously do not think the game is at a broken state. To prove something are actually broke they should show more evidence and statistics, instead of taking too much assumption/opinion of individual players.
I hope you protoss player, won’t win single game, hope you drop 500 mmr and get to the your real rank where you belong… You are playing on crutch… A more 30 chargelots, you are not supposed have from op third nexus, because protoss economy is broken. You will have to git good, and learn to play game, it is so disgusting now, 4300 is same as 5600, i beatean a lot of 5600 tos , but losing to 4300 tos and every tos i played feels as same players, both will have +50 units and tech and better upgrades tha nme from busted third nexus, which is fully saturated when i just go mine. I hope you drop mmr so massive and taste how it feels have to actual deserve your win… Instead getting freewin every tvp and 2 base allining in pvz… I can’t wait on this patch, i will be beasting on ladder and raping all your protoss asss… How you can even have fun, if you know that you won only because you playing imba race 80 apm = gm tos… Dude even your waprgates autohotkeys… and you don’t even need to transform the manully, it is like addonds for terran would build automatically and imagine if all by building would hotkey automatically, yet you get observer buff you can f2 everygame and it doesnt matter… I offraced tos at 2016 and after 30 games i got higer rank than wiht terran almost 7 years and beaten 140 gm zerg, with disruptors, when i teleprote 6 times after using their ball… And currently i don’t plat tos because hand injury, my tos is currently only 4500, but i betean 5200 terran in lategame, massing tempest with shield battery while teleported 3 bcs to all my bases and still lost … And i don’t even practice this sh1t, you just get 3 without gas into fast 4 and than you make 50 chargelots and 1 click them on your opponent and than you do something else and they will automatically micro across whole map and win probably… Terran will all in on 200% next patch, you just play to hold all in an d collect your freewin… https://_www.rankedftw.com/team/3572047/#td=world&ty=c&ra=best&tyz=0&tx=a&tl=1 Protoss will get raped in pvz, but tvp still protoss favored, good tos just turtle into lategame, because you are so ahead in economy… Tho without infested marine bug and small carrier buff, just play to get to the lategame… Or base all in even without charge probably will kinda strong, because economy is busted…
I just can’t get enough of FunnyMonk, love these posts honestly.
He does have a point in that you can get 30 chargelts form the OP third nexus. Many people don’t know this but if you imput the secret code (n33b) into that third nexus, you can queue up those 30 chargelots that you can use to teleport 6 times your disruptors’ balls. Truly broken mechanic.
Yeah, true. Besides, I’m pretty sure everything will change again with the seemingly slightest buff, a change of maps, or a new cheese.
I think if these changes are to go through, Protoss may as well receive a damn near full rework. Warping 8 Zealots into someone’s main feels really lame to play against. The play is (typically) very small risk from the Protoss, with big rewards if it succeeds. So yeah the Warp change attends to that, but it ruins so many other things about how the race plays. When does Protoss get to take risks and make plays? The whole race is being pushed towards 2-base Immortal all-ins. The thing is, at the start of LOTV, stuff like Prism pick-up range and Immortal shield changes made the race far more interesting. We need more changes like that. More things to make the race more interactive. Not this sort of “all or nothing” game play we see now.
Well this didn’t age well. We have a Protoss champion, and a Protoss runner up Champion in GSL!
It only took 1,5 years to win a ‘‘GSL’’.
Going on 5 years now. GSL Super Tournaments don’t count.
Protoss is the easiest race you dont deserve to win anything sorry
If you dont count Super tournament then 2017 was the last time Protoss won a GSL.
However, they have still done well outside of straight up winning the tournament
Correct and as we went over before, this was Stats, in January 2017. We are starting the 5th year from whatever January date that is.
I it ez race go pick protoss and get first place on GM
Do you know how to math? That puts us at starting the 4th year. 5th year would be 2022. I know 2020 felt long, but it wasn’t THAT long - we haven’t skipped any of 2021.
Hey Champ yes I do know how to math. Was hoping I wouldn’t have to write this out again.
Trump started his term in January 17. He is now finishing his 4 year term. On January 20th, if he wasn’t such a huge loser, he would be starting his 5th year.
This follows the same math as the last Protoss win of a GSL title.