Protoss tournament performance

A lot of people look solely at the finals when judging things like balance. Here is every tournament placement with a financial prize in 2021:

Nerf Protoss, please.


“you flagged this as trolling”

Which Z players should qualify and that were robbed by the dirty protoss?.

Every time the best Z are already playing the tournament,the problem is that there are no more good/known Z players. Lambo said It, for whatever reason many Z players stopped playing. Now only Vanya is a “new” player


Whot??! Protoss isnt winning anything anymore since Trap is a bit Off and now protoss and zerg have won an equal amount of Premier tournaments (that are won by multiple zergs)?! There must be a way to distract from that fact.

Here we go: a Graph that includes 95% of the tournies No one Cares about.

Batzy pulled a batzy.

Aka more first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth finishes for Protoss. In other words, they DRASTICALLY over-perform in the round of 8 of tournaments.

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It’s almost like people don’t want to play Minesweeper and “Do I have to queen walk?” simulator.

Its insane how troglodytes like you have the right to vote. You just ignore most of the information because it doesnt fit your little deluded narrative. The forums are full of actual psychos.


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As it has been clearly and quite eloquently put by batz several times, protoss being this overpowered has hurt the game more than anything ever has. It has been mathematically proven by batz at some point iirc.

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where are leprotons on aoe4 leaderboards?

I really don’t forgive you for using


Should be

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Yes it’s a common complaint however if you want a pretty whitepaper with fancy charts and citations you’ll need about 10 grand to fund the study otherwise I don’t care enough about a dead game to nitpick the colors in charts.

Why this clown is not banned yet?

Im Not ignoring anything tho.

You literally want to ignore tournaments that YOU decide are not important enough. Plain delusional as usual for Ape :monkey: toss


I’ll pay you $20 to fix the colours.

I dont ignore them. I concluded that they are meaningless. Whats next? Implement Blizzards ingame tournies?

Its the Same with Balance complains. If we collect Balance complains from the whole Community instead of Just the top 50 Players we gonna get some weird Balance Patches :smiley: mostly Something Like “qol” terran Changes Like automule and scan/supply drop costs either 50 Energy OR a nearby mule will get consumed in Order to scan/supply drop. And dont forget that Bio will now Automatically Stutter step.