You read the thing in the wrong way, like you’re the guilty about protoss being less harder or terran being too hard.
Is a developer issue, started with wings of liberty and never solved.
If you compare protoss and terran pro players with mid-low elo, it is more emulated by those who are less skilled (not for a couple of players). There are many small coincidences. If you look at the style of the terran pro and medium-low elo players it is completely different, because managing the bio in that way is unthinkable for those who are not a professional, and this has not been solved with the expansions following wings of liberty, because still all matches are bio-dependent, units that require extreme precision, attention and frantic dispositions.
Indeed, I break a lance in favor of the protoss players, because for me being in a lower elo than a player who makes half my apm is not a problem. It becomes a problem when this systemm leads me to win all (and I mean all) tvt and lose all tvp resulting in unpleasant matches. A nice solution for me would be separated and / or based on the match up.
unless you have EMP,in mid-low elo there is no way a toss can do stormdrop or split/ feedback the templars so get EMP,upgrade it and enjoy free wins, I have tried amoving T against p deathball with only stim and emp as micro and the balance was positive for me every time. seriously,EMP is broken ar that elo because P get all the wins by storm spam so of you get EMP you deny their entire strat.
In WOL you had to do more than even Zerg… there were no mines and cyclones to solve you problems. Mech became more used with HotS. It was games of multi prong attacks, I still remember those games of Mvp vs Nestea. There would be no question that Terran there and protoss requirements skillwise were… lol. But even Protoss didnt have the cheap units that came with hots/ lotv
Early wol then came bl infestor
What is this plat-diamond? … It works because some protoss are total newbies in that range but got there in one volley