Protoss is Op and protoss craft sucks

Protoss is OP. Another period where PvT is over 50%. I watched pro game after pro game and I have not found any answers.

I watched pro player after pro player lose to the same things that I lose to consistently and when they do win it seems like it was an up heal battle

Proxy barracks. protoss easily counters it with cannons
Reaper expand. Protoss sends 2 stalkers across the map
play conservative and build bunker.
Bunker on the low ground lose to void proxy.
proxy on the high ground lose to blink stalker

build a mech unit. ie: thor or tank or cyclon and auto lose.

go air and thats a build order lose

Seriously what is the answer.

Its not as simple as a economy lead. Terran is simply playing from behind.
And I do not know how to get ahead. Nothing works.

Seriously whats the answer

Bring a reply here and the community will school and educate you why you lost and what you can do better.
I as a veteran terran player have none of those problems. My TvP is 65%, TvT 48% and TvZ 46%.


Are you not tired of creating a fake new account every 3 days…


Usually he gets banned each 36 hours. In those 36 hours he by the 6’th whine-post suffers a meltdown and insults people with the 7’th and 8’th post.
The specimen gets banned without reaching 10 posts for account.


What’s the answer? Quit whining and get good…


Replays don’t matter im playing people of my skll level. you guys will just tell me to marcro better. more stuff beats less stuff.

I’m working on my next free accoiunt now.

Melt down in 5… 4… 3…

It’s note easy. Being noob.

Seriously. Maybe Ill practice my macro. 70 SCVs by the 5 min mark??? or is it the 4 min mark. maxed out by 11 min mark.

I always wonder what type of person IRL is the one who goes trough the troubles of creating new accounts to post on a forum and whine. I have problems trying to understand it when it’s just one account or one single time, so I can’t even start to imagine creating endless accounts.Hiding, lying, wanting to create drama…for sure does not look like things a healthy person should look for.


Do a mine drop/hellion/banshee to erase the protoss’s “eco lead” then follow up with a tank push like you’re supposed to?


I am a crazy person. insane deranged, never know what you are going to get from me.

sucks IP bans are not a thing anymore, but oh well. Guess it’s just a battle of who wastes more time now.

You mean that by masquerading IP (connecting with Thor for example) won’t work? Still a SW/HW fingerprint of each account can’t be faked, if that kind of ban would be implemented, hardly anyone can pass-through…

Protoss players are so good that I lost to cannon rushes 10 times in a row. Im such a noob. I need to learn how to stop cannon rushes as terran. amazing.

Exactly need learn how stop canon rush witch minimum loss

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Cannon rushes against terran wouldnt be a thing at all if they allowed us to build barracks first again. or perhaps remove depo build time nerf as well. I guess that is to much to ask for.

guess ill assume the position next time I have a PvT

Bruh supply depo bunker supply walk off on main made factory hold untill tank come press siege mode and enjoy the win yes you may have a few scv to repair bunker but he was win time for you

Sounds so much easier said than done.

Terran knows cannon rush is coming builds depo somehow cannon is finished before first marine comes out. build bunker and hold until tank comes out. and make sure not to lose to many scvs…

ok got it boss. I’ll work on that.

Ok boy you can run on that probe by a few scv a little micro from 2 side anyway

By the way nothing was ez mode in game and in game just do it

okay I chase probe around the map with 2 scvs. ok got it. I’ll try that next time. and I wont worry about cannon building in my main. got it. I still wonder if they will revert depo and barracks build timings. so much to wish for. but its never coming back.

you know what its not that Protoss is OP. terran has been nerfed into the dirt. nefed so much that cannon rushes is a viable option. perhaps they did it to increase the difficulty of the match up…

just something to think about.

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:
:scream: :scream: :scream:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: