Protoss hasn’t won a gsl in what is now. 4 years

4 years … that’s ridiculous actually

The balance is a lit bit unfair on the Protoss pro players trying to make a living. And as a protoss fan I’m almost done watching tournaments and supporting SC2 e sports altogether. Enough is enough really.

Ive been watching SC2 for 9 years now. And I think I’m done… bit of an end to an error, it doesn’t feel like the race or the protoss pros are being supported and given the tools to win at the highest level


Tournaments are played by individuals.
Data about them is not indicative about balance.
More detailed explanation in chapter 2.2: Assessment of Protoss situation in 2020 meta (outdated)

Serral used to play with best strategies available in the game, and without making any mistakes. That’s why his playstyle is so beautiful to watch for me.

Trap had opportunity to win Dreamhack Masters Fall vs Reynor. But he made mistakes. Like almost every single proplayer.
There is nobody to blame, for existance of stronger Starcraft players.
On his way he defeated Stats, Innovation and TY.

Protoss is given tools, but success is a result of many factors.

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Yeah whatever mate. Point is if it was your race that NEVER wins tournaments, then you would be singing a very different tune, you would be whining like crazy. Just imagine for a second that Zerg hadn’t won GSL in 4 years, JUST IMAGINE. Or just imagine that not ONE Zerg foreign player had every won a tournament in the last 5 years. Its pathetic balance. And I’m done.

All these players you talk about DO make mistakes, its just that particularly Zerg do not get punished as hard for a mistake, so it is not as obvious.

No you are just so wrong. Tournament data at the highest level over time IS the only stat that matters. You just think your races players are the best because you are biased.

You, are wrong.

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I main Protoss since 2008.
So I am wrong because I think Protoss is OP because my race wins and Protoss loses?
I kind of got lost.

A bit of data from year of Serral (2018).
Serral himself won 46.6% of premier tournaments.
Protoss had 36.6% appearence on top in 2018, but won only 2 events.
Protoss performance was fair. Still, Serral deserved his wins.
Not a direct balance indicative.

If you use your emotions and stereotypes (because of my portret? because of my disagreement?) to ignore arguments, then your information assesment process is faulty.
I suggest you, every reader and myself, to learn more about truth, false, information and thought process from any valid source. All of us can benefit from that.
More in Post 1 of refered thread.

Have a nice day.

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keep crying meanwhile one disripper beats 20 cloins with one shot. gj blizzard.

Yeah because PvZ used to be all time like 44% and Protoss doesn’t have many top players players.

Random has never won a GSL.

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Yeah if you look at the resources lost in the trap reynor series, there are games that reynor won where he lost 20K more resource than trap. Essentially he won despite making 20K resources of mistakes . Don’t sit here and tell me that trap lost because he played poorly and made errors when statistically the errors were grossly on the zerg side.

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