Protoss Carrier The God Hand Of SC2

I love the experience because apparently it’s a great way to pick up chicks. I always declined friend invites because I thought it was hilarious to screw with people that way. Nowadays I am wondering how many chicks have sent me a bnet friend invite over the years that I shot down in flames:

I always thought “What kind of societal troglydites could possibly be on these forums?” and honestly didn’t know what to expect. After accepting a friend invite to two of them, this is the forum’s new theme song:

Yes, and then why complain when your BS triggers reports?
You behave like that burglar that was offended because the police arrested him after he was caught red-handed for the n’th time stealing.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
This sad clown makes life easy to doctors for reaching a diagnosis (as about prognosis: it is poor).

Yeah link to the most triggering part of the post so all the betas see it and spam reports on it just like the good little troll you are. I will tell you what will happen. They will slap a ban on this account, I will appeal and the message I will include will be a simple link to this youtube video:

(If you think I will give up my freedom to please some betas power tripping on their chance to play God, guess again)