Protoss Balance Logic

“BliZzArD NEedS tO Buff pRotoSS IMmEdiateLy IT Is TOO eaSY To doDge DISrupTOR shoTS ThEy NEED To Have twICe The RaDiUs or pRotoSs WIll NeVer win A toUrNameNT aGaiN VS tOp TeRrAN pLaYErs.”

  • Platinum Protoss Patrol.

Everyone else on the ladder aka 99.999% of actual players:


As usual, multiple accounts spamming the same stuff.

Here is some PSA:

Already addressed this under Topic #1. Cheers.



You can spam that nonsense as much as you like but I will not even read a post defending protoss when protoss is breaking balance records especially one that’s a wall of text. You’re using a 1,000 words and still coming to the wrong conclusion :clown_face:.


That is quite literally what you are doing. The sum of your posts on all your accounts far surpasses this one post this guy makes and he says way more than you ever will :clown_face:

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Demonstrably false. I challenge you to prove otherwise. Like always you will never back up your claims because then you’d realize you can’t / that you are wrong. So, you play pretend, making false claims, and posturing that they are right in the hopes people take you at your word.


Its total shame for Lizzard how his once best game looks like. Turtle Toss into Sky Storm. Yesterday I played 2 games 1v1, just to has some portrait frame. First Toss… 106 apm vs my 274 apm. I did runby with banes, cuz ling does nothing (canon + battery) he was sitting at home on Voids, Archons, than Storms. I hit 1/1 with 200/200 Hydra ling bane. He crushed me on the top of Super battery and Storms. than I saturate another base (4th), hit again directly with 2/2, He had that time some cariers + storm. again crushed me. So I went another base, allready 4 saturated + low main (94 drones) third time 200/200 Hydra ling bane infestor, My army just dissapeared under storm - nice job with Infestor Fart aka Hit with Storm HERE!. And than he starting attacked me and rolled over. This game is not anymore about - better player win. Sad point is, as Zerg you cannt turtle, you need to fight his 200/200 Carier, void, HT ball with at least 600 - supply (3x remax) and micro on point. HF Toss players. Enjoy this trash, a get to Master with Silver mechanic and game knowledge


…and that was the Finals of DH Serral vs Trap. Trap did absolute no dmg to Serral with Oracle, or Adepts, nor Void… He simple dont need to do dmg, sit home passive. Serral was just throwing his army away all the time - so this is a new kind of harass. If anybody wonder why is plenty of 120-150 apm Toss in GM(they need to play passive) - Protoss is now WoL Terran. Stay at home and let your oponent crushing his face on your invincible defence. Once first 3 bases mined out, Zerg can leave.


It’s not even worth explaining when you’ve just shot yourself in the foot again

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Pvp final… BUF PROTOSS!

Ppp balance logic… LUL


Lul tvt zvz tvz zvt final just skilled then?