Why do zerg and toss have animation for when things ARE NOT researching ?
A templar archive not researching does not look that much different from one that IS researching. Same with spawning pool
For terran , you can clearly see the animation when IT IS researching to distinguish the two.
Zerg and toss are joke races
Really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one I feel
You sound like an F 2 a mover bud its ok you dont understand. Also remember youre atleast -400 MMR if you played terran. that’s how pathetically easy Z and P is
Toss and Zerg easy race
Omg. You are the wheasypeasy guy, arent you? You challenged me to go 4.5k terran, which i easily achieved.
How is it going? you reached +400 mmr with protoss yet (compared to your t, ofc)?
Mate you can hardly put together a coherent thought, why would I care what you think about my abilities?
you dont have to care bud , just stating facts you are an F2 a mover
Bro the guys name is GrumpyPants, dont waste your breathe on this one homie. LOL
haha typical toss player , its ok buddy go F2 a move more
Terran is basic f2 you only ever have position units then control one unit or group.
On top of that you have cheat codes at finger tips
Lol ok , silver boy detected . It’s ok you’ll never make it out
This is an odd thing to complain about. The Templar Archive only has one research regardless and taking it out thus disabling high templar warp ins and archons is not the worst thing you could do if given the opportunity regardless of whether storm is done or not. and sniping a spawning pool before zergling speed is done also the animations are quite clear to any experienced eye anyway and the engineering bay, armory, forge, cybernetics core, evolution chamber, and spire all have quite distinguishable upgrade animations and all structures except warpgates and hatcheries have notable building animations when training units.
It’s actually twilight coucnil